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Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Dr. Chukwuh, a Homoeopathic Physician, Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, a health instructor, a researcher and a servant and Custodian of some esoteric wisdom. He is the founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of aids to all mystical mediations. Dr. Chukwuh is a Nigerian; He studied Public Administration in the Higher Institution, community health aids in school of Health Technology. He studied astrology, white and black magic in Unidsgharl spiritual Occult chambers Of India, including herbal medicine known as alternative medicine and Homeopathy in the former Indian school of Homeopathy and Spiritualism Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria. Between 1991­-1996, He served as Secretary General of Trado-medical practitioners of Nigeria, Imo and Abia State chapters. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association [WAHSPRA] and the Global Spiritual Philosophers Agency [GLOSPA] whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world. .

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to Beat Cancer with Nutrition

Reversing Cancer Using Nutrition

The book,The Gerson Therapy: The proven Nutritional program is a VALUABLE Book. The book is a highly recommended first book on the use and application of natural alternative Healing for cancer and all degenerative and chronic conditions.

This book is highly recommended, for anyone contemplating using alternative therapy to combat cancer. It is also recommended for anyone contemplating the use of conventional medicine. Why? Because of the indispensable materials on the disease process; I shall also strongly recommend this book to anyone who contemplates using complementary approach (natural and conventional) to battling cancer.

This is a first book, that I would recommend to anyone who wants to understand the use of natural method in healing cancer or any disease for that matter.

The approach of the book to healing is simple: a combination of high quality nutrition and total body detoxification. It is a total program and requires significant life style changes especially for the tailed therapy.
Here in the book you have all the information required to do the therapy by yourself or in conjunction with a qualified clinic or practitioner.

The book, “The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program…” is both informative and also serves as a usable daily guide for anyone who wants to defeat cancer, hands down.

The therapy has no side effect. If you are interested in the book “the Gerson Therapy. The Proven Nutritional Program…” you can look it up here:The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses


The book “Doctor Yourself” just as the name connotes is a practical, easy-to-follow, step-by-step suggestion for improving and maintaining ones health.

This book helps people to help themselves. The book gives hope and confidence, while reading the book you feel as if you are consulting with the author Dr. Saul.

The book “Doctor Yourself” is timely, in this time of rising medical bill and lack of health insurance by many.

A close look at the title “Doctor Yourself”, you can imagine the premise deduced: simply put, every person should be responsible for their own health care. Issues concerning your health are better handled by you by taking the necessary preventive steps and on time too.

Every living human being will find hope, inspiration and perseverance in this book, as far as this book is concern all hope is not lost about our battle against deadly diseases.

This book is a reference manual on how to handle and nourish your good given body without throwing away money to drug companies who are relentless to sell their drugs to the gullible uninsured public.

He lists specific protocols for the use of nutrients as therapy. It is a guide to organizing one’s diet plan to better live with everything from cancer to diabetes, to AIDS, to Parkinson’s disease, to what have you.

Just imagine a world where everyone is able to handle his health matter by “doctoring” himself or herself without making the relentless drug companies rich.

This book shows you how to handle your health through what you eat and what you take. Just look it up and make your decisions.

I am of the opinion it is a must have in any family bookshelf. Are you interested? If yes! Look it up here:Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works

Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases

Using Flax Oil To Get Rid Of Cancer
Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases” by Dr. Johanna Budwig is a must have in everybody’s book shelf. Actually, initially it was not written as a book rather it was a report she delivered as a Noble Prize winning researcher to her fellows in the medical field.

The second book, which was written as a book “The Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book by the same author need to be read as a second book as a further expatiation.

Here the author explains how the reader can put her theories of introducing flax oil to the diet in very interesting ways. In this second book, she includes over 500 simple recipes with which one can introduce the beneficial flax oil into one’s diet/lifestyle.

She claims the therapy can completely cure such things as cancer, heart problems and even diabetes among others.

Practicing this therapy will help you give cancer the shrinking other and to eventually leave your body for life.

The therapy will help you not to be overweight, make you to be agile, dismiss your blood pressure, practicing this therapy will make you look superb.

While the book “Flax Oil A True Aid Against Arthritis, Hearth Infection, Cancer and other Diseases” is a bit technical in nature due to the fact that it was a report delivered to her fellow Medical Doctors as A Nobel prize winning researcher.

On the other hand the book, “the Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book” is written with the lay man in mind, it is written in laymen terms informing the person diagnosed of cancer or a person who wants to insure him or herself against cancer a simple therapy which surely gives cancer the marching order or puts a warning sign for caner “NO GO AREA”.

I strongly recommend that one buy the two books “Flax Oil A True Aid Against Arthritis, Hearth Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases” and “the Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book”.

You need the first mentioned book first and the second mentioned book, second. This will enable you get an in depth understanding of fighting cancer with diet.

If you are interested in bathing cancer through lifestyle and diet change, you can look up the book “Flax Oil A True Aid Against Arthritis, Hearth Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases here:Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis Heart Infarction Cancer and Other Diseases (3rd Edition)

For the second book “the Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book” by the same author, you can look it up here:

Racketeering in Medicine: The suppression of Alternatives

The Cancer Industry the Whole Truth

The book, “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives
” written by Physician and Health Issues Consultant James P. Carter.

The book is an expose of how American Medical Association, FDA and the Pharmaceutical Industry has discredited and blackmailed alternative, less expensive, less invasive and a times more effective treatments.

The author is not an extremist, neither is he a sensationalist, rather he documents clearly the evidence behind his assertion. He says it loud and clear that the governing bodies of modern general or conventional medicine have serious vested interest in suppressing those more effective and less expensive treatments and make sure that people don’t know about them.

The book “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives” by Dr. James P. Carter is an excellent book that clearly shows without fear or favor how alternative therapies are suppressed. How only drugs by big pharmaceutical companies and surgeries are aided to get approval.

He went as far as exposing plenty of examples of useful therapies that we cannot use because big pharmaceutical companies cannot profit from them.

He buttresses the fact of how the “free enterprise” medicine is being controlled by profit, and how large special – interest organizations (insurance companies, government agencies, drug companies, AMA and big Bucks Charities) has the final say, on what kind of treatment are termed “legitimate”.

He laments on how allopatic medicine, controlled by AMA has the monopoly and final say over providing health care.

Believe you me, this book is a wake-up call to all of us, it is a wake-up call to particularly those people that need to be reminded of the imperfect nature of the animal called MAN and it goes to a large extent exposing how power/money or both can overwhelm a doctors true desire to help end the suffering of the masses, this is man’s inhumanity to man, period.
There’s no how I can review this book enough, all I have to say is that the book, “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives” is well worth reading, for it offers ways or means to awaken the reader and empower him or her to endevour to be participating in decision concerning his or her health.

Nothing is permanent, except change, one day God in his infinite mercies and almighty power, will deliver us from their shackles and bondage.

Are you interested in the book “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives”, if I heard you say yes! You can lay your hands on the book here:Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives

Alkalize or Die

How to Get Rid of Diseases through Nutrition

The book “Alkalize or Die” written by Dr. Theodore, is a complete overview of health, it shows the true secret to energized living.

This book will reveal to you the underlying causes of almost all diseases, this include physical and mental. The book ‘Alkalize or Die’ is a book any one interested in swimming in optimum health and high energy levels must read.

The book ‘Alkalize or Die’ is full of fabulous data and life saving information. It leads the reader to good health and vitality.

The book contains charts showing food pit, vegetables, starches, values of all fruits, drinks and mixing starches with proteins, vegetables mixed with protein or starches and how they all combine together in harmony to cause a healthy alkalized fit environment, or a combination that an acidic environment.

It also has a fold out chart that shows how to mix each food type and the results.

If you need an in depth way to discover how to adjust food groups easily towards balancing your body pH to engineer a healing process, you can achieve that after reading this book. This book will definitely arm the layman and show her how to buy and use alkalize foods to achieve vibrant and healthy vitality homeostasis.

The truth is that knowing how to master your body’s pit is the most important ingredient to improving your health, vitality and resistance to diseases.

The book “Alkalize or Die” by Theodore is a fabulous book that describes the fundamental/imbalance of the pH factor or the different impact it has on a host of disease process.

The book shows that the ideal diet should contain a reasonable amount of foods in the alkalize category, stressing that too much acidity has been associated with many chronic conditions and diseases.

On reading this book you will discover so many interesting things about the food you eat, you will discover that certain food combinations are killing us slowly, rather than helping us to live.

This book is an overall nutritional program for all adults and children alike. If you are interested in the book you can source it here:Alkalize or Die



The book, “Death by Diet” written by Robert Barefoot is a book backed up by solid scientific principle and research. It reveals the amount of garbage the average man puts into their bodies in the name of food and still line up to 80 years old.

The book, “Death by Diet” stresses that we are biologically able to live to a healthy 120 to 140 years if only we can discipline ourselves by eating only purity foods. Thereby getting the right balance of nutrients in our bodies.

The book outlines that the most important minerals to bring into your body are potassium, calcium and magnesium and that a cell cannot function without proper levels of any of these three minerals.

With this book, it is believed that if you follow the diet with proper supplementation with the suggested nutrients, one can gain 10 – 20 years extra added to his lifespan.

In this book you will discover formulas that enable you take complete charge and control of your health, and Barefoot explained the technical , he did it in an easy to understanding manner.
The summary of the book is that acid alkaline chemistry is a healthy pH for your cells to function in their optimum environment.

Do you know why the medical authorities or pharmaceuticals companies do not educate you about vitamin or minerals as a panacea to diseases free life? You answered right! If they do, they will be out of business.Do you Know why pharmaceutical companies cannot and do not patent vitamin or mineral, there is no money in it for them.

The book provides factual scientific evidence of the link between mineral deficiencies and many degenrative diseases and proffers solution on what we can do to give ourselves the enabling environment for a long lasting and healthy life.

WARNING: if you are acidic, alkalize your chemistry, by so doing you will keep your cells in their optimum environment. If you are interested in reading this book, you can look i up here:Death by Diet


Dieting yourself to good Health

The Acid – Alkaline Food Guide, very clear and excellent, a great resource, a good reference guide and above all very helpful in understanding the topic “Acid and Alkaline Food”

The book delves into given a concise description of what pH balance is, and how it effects one’s health. It went further to outline the possible consequence of failure to keep ones system “in balance”.

pH is a chemistry term and pH means “Potential for Hydrogen” which signifies whether a solution, fluid or compound is acidic, alkaline or neutral.

Possible ways of measuring pH in our bodies is by testing saliva and urine or blood; pH strips can be used for the first two tests.

On the other hand oxygen rich systems or alkaline based systems neutralizes formation of acids which is harmful to the body, I can never do justice to this review trying to explain all this, the bottom line is for you to read this book and find out tips and facts that will make you stay healthy.

The information in this book, will led you to understand the importance of pH balance, you will also be exposed to a list of foods and the indications as to whether the foods produce acid or alkaline in our systems.

The book, “The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide...” is a 175-page book, made up of 75 pages theory and 100 pages of tables of foods; is a very scientific book.

This book will help you change the way you eat and once you do that your life can never really be the same and you will notice a very big difference.
Won’t you give it a trial? You can lay your hands on the book here:The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide: A Quick Reference to Foods & Their Effect on pH Levels [ACID ALKALINE FOOD GD]


The book “Healing with whole Foods: Asian Traditions and modern Nutrition” is a gem among the mass, a journey into health through whole foods, an exceptionally teaching tools for healers and would be healers, very informative. A must have guide for healthy – living in a toxic world, and a true guide to healing with food.

This book will empower and enable you make informed or enlightened decisions on what to eat, when to eat it, what not to eat, and when not to eat it. It includes what to combine to have a complete balanced and self-healing diet.

The author gives you the bottom line about food, how to prepare food, when to avoid food, how to evaluate food and how to use food on healing yourself or your patients.

When you get a copy of this book you will find it extremely difficult to give out your copy even to a loved one rather you’d prefer to buy a copy for the person.

This book explains the technical workings of the body and the solution to physical health.
The book “Healing with whole Foods: Asian Traditions and modern Nutrition” is a good companion, it contains up to date nutritional research as well as traditional herbal remedies with a good index that aids you find out exactly the information you need regarding specific conditions.

Although the emphasis is on raw food, yet the author treated meat product as being therapeutic for some particular nutritional problems. He went further to expatiate on how to use meat products in the most ethical manner.

Why I love this book most, is that it is amazingly well written, does not take extreme views and takes no sides but here you have the facts in a clear and concise manner.

The book is full of theories of Chinese medicine and descriptions of disease patterns and how to cure them. Here you have a well written, well-organized book with a superb index that you can easily use to find almost anything about any conditions.

Full of numerous recipes that tells you how to use the recipes, how to prepare them and even how to preserve them.
This book will make you a conscious citizen of this world. The book “Healing with whole foods: Asian Tradition and Modern Nutrition carries everyone along carnivores, vegans, vegetarians. Here, you have the facts, but you got to think and take decisions for your self.

This primer for healing arts is the best instructive book that conveys the tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), biology, modern nutrition and spirituality.

The book explains the symptoms and causes of illness and makes recommendations about foods and herbs that should be used to reduce the consequences of toxicity and bringing the sick person back to health.

The book is well indexed, making it easy to distinguish the relationship between disease and herbs and foods that reduce the impact of disease.

The aim of the researcher is to bring this book of organic integration of Chinese healing practice and western nutrition to your notice, while the choice and decision is yours and yours alone. If you are interested in the book “Healing with whole foods: Asian Tradition and Modern Nutrition” you can get it here:Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition


The book “Fire your Doctor” by Andrew W. Saul makes an interesting reading, it is enjoyable, practical and easy to read book, full of carefully documented information to inform and empower people to aid themselves to flourishing good health at very minimal cost.

Hear him “People need education not medication”. The book “Fire your Doctor” provides that much needed education that will empower you to beat cost as far as medical bills are concern.

The book is a well researched, step-by-step, do it yourself book, full of very insightful chapters buttressed by the authors 30 plus years of personal experience as a natural health consultant.

Presently medicine is a high-tech and high-cost profit oriented industry who is talking about standard medical advice, medical advice that often leaves somebody confused and in a state of more ill health.

In “Fire your Doctor” you will discover easy going ways of how you can fire your doctor and how you can avoid ill health generally.

Do you know that health can be seriously improved by making small changes to a persons diet and lifestyle? The authors approach to Health is quite simple and attending good health generally with suggestions for various maladies.

The book simply put is how to be independently healthy and wealthy. It is an inspiring book about the value of unprocessed or little processed foods and about the value derivable from micro nutrients, it emphasizes looking for the causes of diseases as against the symptoms.

The author states equivocally that multivitamin/mineral supplements are the ‘zero calorie essential food group’ through which much of diseases control and prevention can be cheaply found and carried out at minimal cost.
One good aspect of the book is that the foods especially the multi-vitamin levels recommended by him will automatically drop blood toxin to the lowest ebb possible in anyone.

Trying a thorough justifying review of this book is quite a task, for the book has a lot of kudos! Find out for yourself by laying hands on the book here:



The book, “Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complimentary and Conventional Therapies” was written by Dr. James Gordon, who chaired a white House task force on alternative medicine. He facilitated the bringing together of top clinical researches and practitioners to share their studies, results and findings, hence he is in the know to write this book.

The book ushers in compelling and informative reading for all that desires understanding the competing and counter claims made by different alternative cancer approaches, ranging from conventional medicine to enzyme treatment, to Chinese medicine and into recent researches including detoxification and the rest.

This book is a much needed, clear and levelheaded book. The book set out to achieve the type of marriage that can be contracted between myriad of alternative cancer treatments, complimentary and conventional treatments.

References were made to the cutting edge therapies, which include nutritional supplements. Mention was made of some of such supplements, which also offer corroborative documentation.

This book is an excellent overview of conventional and alternative medicine therapies. Anyone with keen interest in marrying alternative and conventional medicine to get complimentary medicine should give this book a serious thought.

Dr. James Gordon has been involved, he has privileged inside information as the chairman of the White House Task Force, whatever he writes is done from a privileged position, therefore any serious person diagnosed of cancer or whose loved one is diagnosed of cancer should read this book.

If you or your loved one has cancer, you definitely need to read Dr. James Gordon book, “Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complimentary and Conventional Therapies”. You can get it here:Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complementary, and Conventional Therapies