The Cancer Industry the Whole Truth
The book, “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives” written by Physician and Health Issues Consultant James P. Carter.
The book is an expose of how American Medical Association, FDA and the Pharmaceutical Industry has discredited and blackmailed alternative, less expensive, less invasive and a times more effective treatments.
The author is not an extremist, neither is he a sensationalist, rather he documents clearly the evidence behind his assertion. He says it loud and clear that the governing bodies of modern general or conventional medicine have serious vested interest in suppressing those more effective and less expensive treatments and make sure that people don’t know about them.
The book “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives” by Dr. James P. Carter is an excellent book that clearly shows without fear or favor how alternative therapies are suppressed. How only drugs by big pharmaceutical companies and surgeries are aided to get approval.
He went as far as exposing plenty of examples of useful therapies that we cannot use because big pharmaceutical companies cannot profit from them.
He buttresses the fact of how the “free enterprise” medicine is being controlled by profit, and how large special – interest organizations (insurance companies, government agencies, drug companies, AMA and big Bucks Charities) has the final say, on what kind of treatment are termed “legitimate”.
He laments on how allopatic medicine, controlled by AMA has the monopoly and final say over providing health care.
Believe you me, this book is a wake-up call to all of us, it is a wake-up call to particularly those people that need to be reminded of the imperfect nature of the animal called MAN and it goes to a large extent exposing how power/money or both can overwhelm a doctors true desire to help end the suffering of the masses, this is man’s inhumanity to man, period.
There’s no how I can review this book enough, all I have to say is that the book, “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives” is well worth reading, for it offers ways or means to awaken the reader and empower him or her to endevour to be participating in decision concerning his or her health.
Nothing is permanent, except change, one day God in his infinite mercies and almighty power, will deliver us from their shackles and bondage.
Are you interested in the book “Racketeering in Medicine, the Suppression of Alternatives”, if I heard you say yes! You can lay your hands on the book here:Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives