The book, “Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complimentary and Conventional Therapies” was written by Dr. James Gordon, who chaired a white House task force on alternative medicine. He facilitated the bringing together of top clinical researches and practitioners to share their studies, results and findings, hence he is in the know to write this book.
The book ushers in compelling and informative reading for all that desires understanding the competing and counter claims made by different alternative cancer approaches, ranging from conventional medicine to enzyme treatment, to Chinese medicine and into recent researches including detoxification and the rest.
This book is a much needed, clear and levelheaded book. The book set out to achieve the type of marriage that can be contracted between myriad of alternative cancer treatments, complimentary and conventional treatments.
References were made to the cutting edge therapies, which include nutritional supplements. Mention was made of some of such supplements, which also offer corroborative documentation.
This book is an excellent overview of conventional and alternative medicine therapies. Anyone with keen interest in marrying alternative and conventional medicine to get complimentary medicine should give this book a serious thought.
Dr. James Gordon has been involved, he has privileged inside information as the chairman of the White House Task Force, whatever he writes is done from a privileged position, therefore any serious person diagnosed of cancer or whose loved one is diagnosed of cancer should read this book.
If you or your loved one has cancer, you definitely need to read Dr. James Gordon book, “Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complimentary and Conventional Therapies”. You can get it here:Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complementary, and Conventional Therapies
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