“Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases” by Dr. Johanna Budwig is a must have in everybody’s book shelf. Actually, initially it was not written as a book rather it was a report she delivered as a Noble Prize winning researcher to her fellows in the medical field.
The second book, which was written as a book “The Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book by the same author need to be read as a second book as a further expatiation.
Here the author explains how the reader can put her theories of introducing flax oil to the diet in very interesting ways. In this second book, she includes over 500 simple recipes with which one can introduce the beneficial flax oil into one’s diet/lifestyle.
She claims the therapy can completely cure such things as cancer, heart problems and even diabetes among others.
Practicing this therapy will help you give cancer the shrinking other and to eventually leave your body for life.
The therapy will help you not to be overweight, make you to be agile, dismiss your blood pressure, practicing this therapy will make you look superb.
While the book “Flax Oil A True Aid Against Arthritis, Hearth Infection, Cancer and other Diseases” is a bit technical in nature due to the fact that it was a report delivered to her fellow Medical Doctors as A Nobel prize winning researcher.
On the other hand the book, “the Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book” is written with the lay man in mind, it is written in laymen terms informing the person diagnosed of cancer or a person who wants to insure him or herself against cancer a simple therapy which surely gives cancer the marching order or puts a warning sign for caner “NO GO AREA”.
I strongly recommend that one buy the two books “Flax Oil A True Aid Against Arthritis, Hearth Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases” and “the Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book”.
You need the first mentioned book first and the second mentioned book, second. This will enable you get an in depth understanding of fighting cancer with diet.
If you are interested in bathing cancer through lifestyle and diet change, you can look up the book “Flax Oil A True Aid Against Arthritis, Hearth Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases here:Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis Heart Infarction Cancer and Other Diseases (3rd Edition)
For the second book “the Oil-Protein Diet Cook Book” by the same author, you can look it up here:
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