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Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Dr. Chukwuh, a Homoeopathic Physician, Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, a health instructor, a researcher and a servant and Custodian of some esoteric wisdom. He is the founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of aids to all mystical mediations. Dr. Chukwuh is a Nigerian; He studied Public Administration in the Higher Institution, community health aids in school of Health Technology. He studied astrology, white and black magic in Unidsgharl spiritual Occult chambers Of India, including herbal medicine known as alternative medicine and Homeopathy in the former Indian school of Homeopathy and Spiritualism Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria. Between 1991­-1996, He served as Secretary General of Trado-medical practitioners of Nigeria, Imo and Abia State chapters. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association [WAHSPRA] and the Global Spiritual Philosophers Agency [GLOSPA] whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world. .

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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Over the years the virtues of bee pollen for good health have been extolled. It is believed that renowned athletes often used bee pollen to achieve increased strength, material clarity and stamina, even numerous articles have been written on its capability to make one live life to the fullest, it is said to bolster immune system functioning, slow down the ageing process and for detoxification of the body.
Even trials has been carried out and result signified that it has the ability to drive away cancerous cells in mice.
Bee pollen has all the nutrients our bodies need to systain good health and life. It has high concentrations of vitamins A,C,D,E,and high concentrations of vitamin B complex. It consist of approximately 35% protein, 55% carbohydrates, 3% minerals and 2% fatty acids.
Studies the world over has proved that pollen collected by bees from the stamen of flowers is worth more than its weight in gold. Bee pollen contains 22 amino acids, 27 mineral salts and it is full of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates and more than 500 enzymes and co-enzymes ideal for digestion and essential for capillary strength including vitamin B12.
In the recent past the sloan-kettering institute for cancer research in New York City has been studying seriously the effects of bee pollen, royal jelly and bee venom on cancer and indication from the study has been strong that it may be used to effectively prevent cancer.
Please do not take my words on bee pollen,the ball is now in your court, do your own research, interested in knowing various types of bee pollen availableSearch for BEE POLLEN
You can also access other cancer fighting ingredients and supplements here:
I remain yours
Dr. Chukwu Innocent O.


Artemesia is popular plant that grows in southeast, it was only used in the past by Dr. Rowen to treat intestinal parasites people also used it as a safe malaria treatment. All that changed when Dr.Rowen stumbled on a report by Drs. Henry Lai and Narenda Sigh, bioengineering professors at the university of Washington that pointed out that the herb” might provide a safe, non-toxic, and inexpensive alternative for Cancer Patients, for more exposure on Artemisia read the article “Chinese Herb cures cancer” by Dr. Robert Jay R. Rowen in the publication” second opinion”
The director also reported on an article that appeared in a major cancer journal, showing artemisinin anticancer activity in a wide variety of laboratory cultured cancer cells. Even cancers resistant to common chemotherapy drugs showed no resistance to artemisinin (International Journal of Oncology 18.767-773 2001 by Efferth, et al.)
Interested in artemesia Search for ARTEMESIA for other cancer fighting ingredients and supplements---
I remain yours
DR. Chukwu Innocent O.


Prolive is a natural food supplement which is gotten from selected extracts of the olive tree, combined with antioxidants and is produced in table form to protect potency and is also a strong detoxifier.
Those in the Mediterranean region has for ages used Olives and Olive oil for general well being through the Mediterranean diet and those in the Mediterranean are well known for reduced levels of coronary heart disease.
Two important active ingredients in the Olive leaf Oleuropeun and hydroxytyrosol support the immune system; other benefits are its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-infections qualities.
Interested in getting proliveSearch for prolive and for other cancer fighting ingredients, remedies and supplements, see---
I remain yours,
Dr. Chukwu Innocent O.


When our health is seriously challenged, when our immune system is depressed or fails to discharge its duties Oralmat Drop can ginger it into action. A lot of conditions are well known to have improved by using Oralmat like cancer, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hiv/Aids, acne, burns, Sore throat, grazes and hay fever to mention but a few.
From birth we are in contact with numerous environmental pollutants, toxins and germs. The food we eat is not spared, the air we breath is not safe, not to talk of the water we drink, the only hope today is to have a strong immune system. Once it is working effectively, we can sleep in spite of thunders. It is the duty of its hungry scavenger cell to protect us from disease causing substances known as pathogens which manifest through bacteria viruses, fungi and parasite as well as from abnormal body cells.
Interested in Oralmat DropsSearch for Oralmat Drops and for other cancer fighting ingredients, remedies and supplements see----


Our bodies need fats for many functions, for energy, weight management,and our immune system, for the health of our heart, our brain function and our digestive system.
“If you get cancer and you want to take a natural approach to reversing cancer, frying is out, refined oils are out, margarine's are out, and sugar is out, the hard fats are out and the only thing you should get is oils rich in essential fatty acids, minimally processed, unrefined with the minor ingredients still in them and rich in Omega-3's. And that’s standard for degenerative diseases-cardiovascular, multiple sclerosis, cancer and diabetes. The reason why, is because essential fatty acids make platelets less sticky, lower blood pressure, lower the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease and are required for insulin function. While some other factors are required for immune function, essential fatty acids are required for cell membrane integrity, are required for metabolic rate, stamina and energy levels. This is important in health”.
Essential oils or Omega 3 and 6 are just what your body needs for health diet, Dr. Udo Erasmus a world famous expert on this matter, reveals it all in his book, “Fats That Heal, Fats That KillFATS THAT HEAL FATS THAT KILL
You also get essential oilsSearch for essential oils or Omega 3 and 6 for healthy diet. You can also read the following
1. Fats that heals, fats that killSearch for Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill


The Book Any Wise Must Read Before Dying. 
The Best Spiritual Sacred Book On Earth, Revealed, Discovered and Published For The Wise, and for all the Students of Spiritual Wisdom, Esoteric Researchers, Spiritual Discovery Voyages, Deity Discoverers, Philosophers,  Mystics Servants, Psychic Practitioners, Herbalists, All Traditionalists,  All Diviners, All Clergy Men, All Ministers Of God, All Spiritualists, All Caged and Stranded Fraternity Members, Spiritual Grand Masters, Intending Spiritual Practitioners, Spiritual Tenants, Landlords and Lodgers. 
 The Last Spiritual Option For The Living. 
The Mother of All Spiritual, Mystic and Occult Solutions On Earth.
By Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, a Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Author, a Health Researcher, Ultimate Father Superior, Member: Global Spiritualists and Philosophers Circle. 
The book which was written through Divine Spiritual Inspiration, it reveals many things about the spiritual and occult world and its Government. It reveals the existence of the sixth senses, the purposes, processes and why Spiritualism and Occultism are inseparable, which brought the definition of Spiritualism and Occultism as a process between shortsightedness and vision, anarchy and due process.
The book also reveals spiritual the discovery of human Star, Destiny and Auras. It reveals the existence of the Superior Mother Moga Deity and her occult governments spread all over the world. It equally reveals how Spiritualism will be Matched with Physical Reality. It equally reveals that, there is a spiritual solution for every spiritual problem in Life. 
Some people were born to succeed, born to shine,  born for a purpose and fulfilment of destinies, while some were born to fail, Hence our spiritual obscurity, Qualifying the Unqualified. I urge people to marry, if one marry a good wife, he will be happy, but if he marries a bad one, he will become a Philosopher. There is only one good knowledge, and one evil, it is IGNORANCE. The Spiritual Deficiency. 
 The greatest wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. Once you have no problem making mistakes, admitting them, and correcting them, hardly any mistake will happen. Doubt is good, it means that one is searching for the truth: Suspicion is Sickness and Mundane Logic is stupidity and egregious. Spiritualism and Occultism is above Human Comprehension. It takes over where knowledge and physical strength has woefully failed. 

 The Real Value of Religious Spiritualism and occultism has been reduced by the Intelligent Fools, whose mundane logics are beyond borders. Who were born to logically transfer their life failures to one spiritual reason or the other. 
Every one claims to know it all. No one is ignorant of it. The uninformed claims to know more than the informed persons. Though it is the present Opium of the People. A process where the failures has strong reasons to substantiate their failures. A process where the bad women or wive's has good reasons to substantiate their reasons for not having suitors or happy homes. A process where those who cannot manage their life positions has very strong reasons to logically argue the reasons behind their unsuccessful levels.
The Conversation With God was written with the Highest Sacred Divine and Spiritual Inspiration. The Topic was divinely and spiritually revealed to me during my monthly full moon spiritual consecrations in the Highest Indian Mountain Kanchenjunga, on the 1st day of April 1999 at about 12:48:54 on that faithful day. An unforgettable day in my life. A time I staved my self for 90 days to achieve a spiritual aim. A time I was battling to save a cancer patient whose doctor has already written off ,who has already prepared for her death according to the doctors advise. But today, the same cancer patient is still living and working to the Glory of God. The Book, The Conversation with God was to be titled My Conversation with God, but the directive was The Conversation With God, instead of My Conversation With God. 

It is a revelation for those who are  seeking spiritual impartation, Spiritual powers for miracles crowd puller, forensic and microscopic prophecy, sharp visions, identifying every spirit and its casting, healings and congregation control, all answers and solutions for all spiritual problems on Earth. 
It  includes spiritual final solutions for all confused and Idiopathic Diseases, All Killer Illnesses, Good Health, Fast Success and breakthrough, Spiritual Elevations, Protections, Riches, Honour, Victory,  Wealth, Winning of Cases, Winning of Lotto, Pools, Mega Millions, Euro Millions, All Lotteries, Spiritual Restoration of Wasted Years, Seized Glories, Shortchanged Lives, Spiritual Restoration, Sustainability, Retaining and Keeping Success for Live without dwarfing or Falling Back Again. 

The greatest sacred book of Spiritual Solutions will change your reasons,  the way you see life, your perceptions, the way you see all confused killer diseases, unsuccessful breakthroughs, Spiritual Excuses,  Spiritual and Occult imposed cancers and other degenerative idiopathic diseases in life. Total review of the physical medical establishments and Spiritual Occult Governments. 
ME:  "what if I told you (Doctors) that your own medical profession holds back cures, refuses to approve alternative medicines and other healing  procedures, because they threaten the very structure of the “healing” profession you belong? 
"I have had a hard time with that, so I know that’s the populist view, but I can’t believe it’s true". No doctor wants to deny a cure or wants his patient to die, is it true?
God: No individual doctor, that is altruistic wants his patient to die. But doctor --- become institutionalized and since the institutions equipped to fight medical ailment are inherently deficient, they unconsciously aid the death of patients.
Well for a full access to the conversation between  me and God you need to read the greatest book of all life solutions. "The Conversation with God”, a book that will remove the scales from your eyes and spiritually empower you to get your own cure of all confused killer and other idiopathic degenerative diseases on Earth. 
 The Book created unknown and unknown Spiritual Awareness, 
Meaning and Purpose
beyond All Human Comprehension.

It helps you to Feel Greater Fulfilment , Deeper Meaning and Purpose For Man. Turn Negative into Positive Thoughts & Emotions.
Employ your full resources and be your best in any physical and spiritual situations. It teaches us about the spiritual acquisition and possession of all the unknown Wisdom, Compassion, Integrity, Joy, Riches, Wealth, Elevation, success, happy home, happy marriage, Debt Recovery, Victory, Love, general favour, spiritual ability to sustain and keep success for ever, without dwarfing or falling back, creativity, winning of All Lotto, Euro Millions, Mega Millions, Pools and Lotteries.  Miracles Crowd Puller, Healings, Forensic & Sharp Prophecy, Microscopic Visions, Casting, Charismatic Spiritual Power to Control any Spiritual Congestion  and Peace of Mind, Controlling of Stubborn Children, Colleagues, Friends, Workers, ask and Receive, ask without Refusal, Regret or second Thought. 

Helping others and improve the society by using a higher Spiritual dimension of your sixth senses.
As the intelligence of the true self, beyond the ego borders. Spiritual services has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual realm and emotional doormen. Freedom from spiritual ego grants wisdom and clarity of vision, combined with more empathy and compassion, which increases creativity and intuition, and results in greater personal fulfilment and better performance on important life skills and vocations. 
Genuine Spiritual Occult services therefore represents the most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfilment. 

The Greatest Book teaches us about Spiritual intelligence that creates cooperation and tolerance between people at the interpersonal levels and between different groups in society, and between different cultures, religions, and nations. Widespread adoption of all spiritual intelligences, processes and doctrines that restores the greatest Spiritual Power on Earth. There is no excuse for failure in life. Success or Failure, the choice is hours. We make people Spiritual Giants and protect then from Dwarfing. We motivate people to finish well in life. We are the finishers of the world spiritual and occult problems. We remain the Earths most visited spiritual organization. Give us your dream or vision today, and the final solution will be given to you tomorrow. 
I remain Dr Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia:  A Spiritual Author, A Spiritual Researcher, Avatar, A Spiritualist, an Occultist, Ultimate Father Superior, Member: Global Spiritualists and Philosophers Circle. For more information: WhatsApp: +2348146015314 or visit: or or write me through:


If you wants to live a cancer- free live and cure yourself of all cancers you need to read the book written by Hulda Regehr Clark PhD, N.D titled “The cure for all cancers” the book is a must read for anyone with cancers, she describe the true cause of cancer as a certain parasite, the human intestinal fluke, which is present in every cancer regardless of the type and the author back's up her claims by producing evidence of 100 case studies before publishing her findings which shows that it only takes days to be cured of cancer regardless of the type or how far the cancer has progressed. This parasite is not new and has been studied since 1925, she believes that once you purge yourself of the parasite, the cancer is cured, you need to lay your hands on the book to access the full details----
Other good cancer books that can fast forward your knowledge and treatment options are:
1. What to eat if you have cancer---
2. The Gerson therapy---
3. Conversation with God----
4. Beating cancer with Nutrition---Beating Cancer with Nutrition - 2005 publication

I remain yours
Dr. Chukwu Inocent O.


To keep healthy you need a good masticating juicer and steamer. Actually you don’t need to eat lifeless foods and processed foods to stay healthy and to prevent or reverse diseases including cancer, dead or processed foods makes you sicker, what your body require is foods full of life and energy to help you survive the onslaught of cancer, even if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, dead foods and processed foods will make you sicker, you will then be unable to withstand the onslaught of these treatments, juices are the best and quickest way to get all the nutrients into your body, you need to juice according to your metabolic type, you need more education on metabolic typing,did I hear you say you need more information on how to determine your metabolic type---The Metabolic Typing Diet, Customize Your Diet To Free Yourself from Food Cravings Achieve Your Ideal Weight; Enjoy High Energy &Robust Health; Prevent &Reverse Disease - 2002 publication and getting a good masticating juicer, the next thing to do is to get a steamer, you needn’t purchase an expensive electric steamer, start steaming your vegetables, stop killing them in sauce pan, microwave, a deep fat fryer, a frying pan or roasting dish.
Know your metabolic type, get yourself a good masticating juicer and a steamer, you will love your body for it while giving it food in a form that has nutritional value, besides you will notice a difference in the flavour of your food.
The war against cancer is one, we cannot afford to lose using natural methods since conventional medicine has woefully failed us.
Remain blessed
Dr. Chukwu Innocent O.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


            Health is Wealth:
I prefare to be very healthy for the 365 days in a year, than to be sick for six months in a year and be cured or treated by Orthodox or unorthodox specialist or by Prayers of any type: What am about to write, we all know theoretically, but the big question is, are we doing it, knowing the theoretical aspect of something is one thing, doing it, is another thing. For us to be alive, and healthy we need the following in quantum:- healthy positive thoughts, good nutrition, the right alkaline environment, oxygen and water.
Oxygen: we cannot do anything without oxygen, we cannot survive a couple of minutes without it, it is the number one of what we need to keep alive and to prevent our cells from packing up. You cannot have energy with poor levels of oxygen in your blood stream make up. We need to improve the amount of oxygen that gets into our system/cells through exercise, movement and improved breathing techniques. Let’s get things straight, breathing is one of the functions that cannot be delegated, you got to do your own breathing so you are fully responsible for the quality of breathing that gets into your cell. One of the most efficient ways in improving the amount of oxygen into your cells is called diaphragmatic breathing but what majority of us do in the name of breathing is called upper chest breathing, this accounts for the least amount of oxygen into our system, we earnestly need to improve the quality of our breathing to be healthy.
If you have a cancer diagnosis, it is most likely that your lymph system, the system that is responsible for the disposal of waste materials is weak, if that is the case, how can you improve or revive it, once your lymph system is weak/sluggish, that is not working effectively, you have to aid it by engaging in two activities, namely exercise (movement) and deep diaphragmatic breathing, anytime you lack energy or feel sluggish 10 mins of deep diaphragmatic breathing will give your energy levels a big push.
Another method of increasing oxygen levels is called anaerobic exercise, it simply means a form of exercise that increases your heart beat, this could be inform of speed walking, cycling, swimming or jumping at a rate that makes you breathe faster and harder.
Another one is chi kung, a Chinese exercise, the Chinese are noted for their skills in exercising it combines stillness or gentle movement, with calm regular breathing including meditations for healing the mind, body and spirit, the movements are easy to learn.
After oxygen water is another vital substance needed by our body to keep healthy,without water we cannot achieve optimum health and when we are talking of water we are talking about quantity and quality. The cells of our body loves water dearly and besides our body is 70 percent water and to keep healthy it makes common good horse sense to maintain the balance of water in the body by drinking lots of quality water. Did I hear anybody ask what of alcohol, fizzy drinks and mineral water? This things are not water and cannot function as one, water is plain pure quality water, don’t even ask me about fruit juice.
The magic of water is simple, water is the best and easiest way to cleanse the body, it is essential for a healthy life, we are bound to suffer dehydration without good quality intake of water. Standard tap water can be full of chemicals, estrogen and other contaminants, so what you need is pure, unadulterated water in its purest form and we should all know that the quality of water we take is directly connected to the quality of our life, water is the very source of all life and its vital to all forms of life and besides 70 percentage of mature human body is comprised of water and 70 percent of water covers our planet that is for you to have a glimpse of how important water is to our daily life, but ironically most of us don't find time to drink water but we will find time taking other sweet liquids as water substitute, let me make it clear here, water has no substitute. We all know that water is important, but our we drinking enough water?
Good Nutrition
We are what eat. We and only we are responsible for what we eat and that is to say that we and only we are responsible for the state of our health, yes! That is the true position.
After oxygen and water, good nutrition is the next thing needed by your body to function perfectly, science has it that ravages by free radicals can be prevented or even reversed through sufficient concentrations in the body of free radicals scavengers-antioxidants, junk food can never provide your body with essential minerals and vitamins needed to function at it optimum level, for those of you already suffering from cancer better stop eating processed and lifeless food, even those doing chemotherapy or radiation this dead foods will make you sicker, what your body needs is foods full of life and energy to help you wither the onslaught caused by these treatments , additives, chemicals, preservatives, crisps, sugary foods, biscuits, stodgy puddings, McDonald's are all the type of foods cancer cells loves dearly and cherish and what does that imply? When you dine and feast on this type of food, you are fueling your cancer if you have cancer, if you are not yet a victim of cancer, then you are watering the development and growth of cancer cells.
To beat cancer or prevent it, you must eat living foods, foods that contains water, natural sugars, vitamins and minerals (vegetables, fruits, grasses, our body can assimilate these at a much faster rate and in the end be vibrant and healthy.
In addition how we cook our food is of equal importance besides the quality, if you are ‘micro waving’ your food, it might interest you to know that it kills 90% of the nutrients in vegetables. Boiling, roasting and frying is another way of destroying any value left in our food.
We as individuals have different biochemical make up each individual is unique, nobody has a body the same as yours, we have different nutritional deficiencies so it is advisable to know your metabolic type, you can find a practitioner certified in metabolic typing.
Besides whatever your metabolic Type it is extremely important that you steam your vegetables as against boiling or cooking, microwaving, frying , or roasting .
Lest I forget, you need a good juicer, for juicing your fruits, juices are ttypehiest and quicket way to get all the nutrients into your body. You need to juice according to your metabolic Type, you need the best masticating juicer you can afford, thprefare enable you get more from your vegetable. I remain Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A spiritual Author, Your spiritual Avatar and Counselor. For more information WhatsApp: +2348146015314 or visit: or or write to:




What I am sharing with you in this article is simply a point of view. You have a choice to beat cancer but the choice you are about to be offered goes seriously against medical tradition, so you have a choice to take it or not to take it.
Many have been told in no uncertain terms that if they refuse to comply or do as directed in the next the six or twelve months the best they could hope for is not to be very well and that they shouldn’t expect much to be done for them.
I shudder whenever I reflect on how majority of people leave their health in the hands of others. We musn’t just do as we are told, we are not robots. We need to question everything, and understand everything,

We must fully participate in our treatment and have the privilege of making our own choices. We need to be informed and must be prepared to challenge opinion we are not comfortable with.
You are at liberty to take my opinions and thoughts or take that of others or not, all I advise is that you should have an open mind as far as the internet is concern, now more than ever there is so much information about how to achieve maximum health and vitality by using nutrition to beat conditions from diabetes to asthinc, arthritis to candida to strolle and cancer to mention but a few.
Why not do your own research about what works and what doesn’t work, ask questions, challenge opinion, ask questions and above all educate yourself. What one can argue is opinion, and not facts.
Today we have a lot of cancer survivors, who were given few days to live, but today they are very healthy, breathing, talking, walking, they are living testimonials that the odds can be beaten, yes the odds can be defied, there are better and alternative ways to beat cancer.
To beat cancer you need to have certain glaring qualities, cancer survivors have a strong desire to carry on despite every circumstances, they have a craving for life, they really want to live. They are ever willing to make necessary adjustment bothering on Nutrition, they are equally willing to reduce stress in their life, while having high level of drive and commitment to get well.
Our body is unique and wonderfully made yet we give it little or no attention, we feed it with ‘dead foods’ or at worst ‘empty foods’ that has nothing to offer. God created our body to be a wonderful self-healing organism that has the capacity to heal itself if given the right enabling environment. The lifestyle we now choose for ourselves makes it difficult for us to recover as planned for us by nature.
We garbage in poison in the name of food, all the natural food given to us by nature we abandon and settle for artificial ones. What battles me is that we treat our pets with more care than we do to our bodies. How long can we feed ourselves in processed box real, McDonalds and other dead food full of preservatives, additives ad chemicals from the freezer in supermarket
Why is it that in this world of knowledge, science and technology, our socially is far more sicker than use to be the norm. in 1971, the then president of the United States of America, Richard Nixon declared famously his ‘war on cancer’ he predicted that medical technology would find a cure ‘within six yeast, the rest is history.
Do you know that thousands of people are drying today because of treatments that was prescribed to cure them turn out to weaken and eventually kill them. One thing is crystal clear, we are not winning the war on cancer and we are not being told the whole truth in this lost war against cancer.
Stop being fooled, your destiny is in your hands, nobody is qualified enough to take decisions bothering on your life, all you need to as a question of urgency is to find out how those teeming millions I mean teeming millions that survived cancer did it, thanks to the internet the task is now simple, find out how they did it and your first point of call is to start reading good books on cancer before you read a dozen or so you will be in the right frame of mind to know the path to kill.
May the almighty give you the wisdom on the part to take.

If you are interested in having access to well researched and selected cancer books, and articles on cancer, or your have any spiritual problem in life, you are now at the right answers and solutions zone: you are free to visit.
I remains Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information:
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or
+2348166979375 or visit: or or write to: or