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Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Dr. Chukwuh, a Homoeopathic Physician, Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, a health instructor, a researcher and a servant and Custodian of some esoteric wisdom. He is the founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of aids to all mystical mediations. Dr. Chukwuh is a Nigerian; He studied Public Administration in the Higher Institution, community health aids in school of Health Technology. He studied astrology, white and black magic in Unidsgharl spiritual Occult chambers Of India, including herbal medicine known as alternative medicine and Homeopathy in the former Indian school of Homeopathy and Spiritualism Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria. Between 1991­-1996, He served as Secretary General of Trado-medical practitioners of Nigeria, Imo and Abia State chapters. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association [WAHSPRA] and the Global Spiritual Philosophers Agency [GLOSPA] whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world. .

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Showing posts with label article directory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label article directory. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2010


There are different types of food that fuels cancer, namely:
1. Meat: Scientific studies abounds which link meat consumption as a significant risk factor in most types of cancer namely brain, stomach, lung, kidney, uterus, urinary bladder, prostate and ovarian cancer among others. The most culporable being red meat (beaf, lamb and pork), meat cooked well-done or grilled an a barbecue, salted or cured meats such as ham, sausages ad barbecue including fried meat.
2. Spices: Food that is rich in hot spices can be a risk factor for certain types of cancer such as cancer of mouth and esophagus cancer:
3. Milk: Various studies has it that, excessive whole milk (not nonfat) consumption is linked the appearance of certain types of cancer namely: breast, ovarian, lung, prostate and urinary bladder.
4. Coffee: Its consumption has been linked to with cancer of the urinary bladder, and with fibrocystic mastopathy or fibrocystic disease of the breast which can be precancerous, this is not really associated with the caffeine in the coffee but to some of components in the essence, even decaffeinated coffee also increases the risk of urinary bladder cancer.
5. Eggs: Statistical evidence shows that excess egg consumption (more than three per week) linked with stomach, lung, pancreas, ovaries, colon, endometrium and cancer of the breast.
6. Fish: less statistical and experimental evidence exist concerning cancer and fish, although there is a relationship between regular fish consumption, especially salted or cured fish and it is associated with cancers of the larynx, nasopharynx, pancreas and endometrium.
7. Sugar: Is poison to mankind, various epidemiological studies have linked excess white sugar (Saccharose) consumption with cancer of colon, stomach, and cervical among others.
8. Alcoholic beverages: without mincing words, I need to state it loud and clear that alcoholic beverages promote cancer even wine that is believed to be medicinal, and beer, it does not require large doses to induce cancer, even moderate consumption can still induce it A Glass of wine a day increases the risk of breast cancer in women by 25%.
9. Refined products: when refined products are used in place of whole grains in the diet, there is a corresponding relation to the formation of cancer.
10. Shellfish: these is usually contaminated with carcinogenic chemical substances that have been disposed in the sea over the years.
Watch what you eat, the difference between good health and cancer lies in your food.
Dr. Chukwu Innocent O.
WhatsApp: +2348146015314

Saturday, October 16, 2010


            Health is Wealth:
I prefare to be very healthy for the 365 days in a year, than to be sick for six months in a year and be cured or treated by Orthodox or unorthodox specialist or by Prayers of any type: What am about to write, we all know theoretically, but the big question is, are we doing it, knowing the theoretical aspect of something is one thing, doing it, is another thing. For us to be alive, and healthy we need the following in quantum:- healthy positive thoughts, good nutrition, the right alkaline environment, oxygen and water.
Oxygen: we cannot do anything without oxygen, we cannot survive a couple of minutes without it, it is the number one of what we need to keep alive and to prevent our cells from packing up. You cannot have energy with poor levels of oxygen in your blood stream make up. We need to improve the amount of oxygen that gets into our system/cells through exercise, movement and improved breathing techniques. Let’s get things straight, breathing is one of the functions that cannot be delegated, you got to do your own breathing so you are fully responsible for the quality of breathing that gets into your cell. One of the most efficient ways in improving the amount of oxygen into your cells is called diaphragmatic breathing but what majority of us do in the name of breathing is called upper chest breathing, this accounts for the least amount of oxygen into our system, we earnestly need to improve the quality of our breathing to be healthy.
If you have a cancer diagnosis, it is most likely that your lymph system, the system that is responsible for the disposal of waste materials is weak, if that is the case, how can you improve or revive it, once your lymph system is weak/sluggish, that is not working effectively, you have to aid it by engaging in two activities, namely exercise (movement) and deep diaphragmatic breathing, anytime you lack energy or feel sluggish 10 mins of deep diaphragmatic breathing will give your energy levels a big push.
Another method of increasing oxygen levels is called anaerobic exercise, it simply means a form of exercise that increases your heart beat, this could be inform of speed walking, cycling, swimming or jumping at a rate that makes you breathe faster and harder.
Another one is chi kung, a Chinese exercise, the Chinese are noted for their skills in exercising it combines stillness or gentle movement, with calm regular breathing including meditations for healing the mind, body and spirit, the movements are easy to learn.
After oxygen water is another vital substance needed by our body to keep healthy,without water we cannot achieve optimum health and when we are talking of water we are talking about quantity and quality. The cells of our body loves water dearly and besides our body is 70 percent water and to keep healthy it makes common good horse sense to maintain the balance of water in the body by drinking lots of quality water. Did I hear anybody ask what of alcohol, fizzy drinks and mineral water? This things are not water and cannot function as one, water is plain pure quality water, don’t even ask me about fruit juice.
The magic of water is simple, water is the best and easiest way to cleanse the body, it is essential for a healthy life, we are bound to suffer dehydration without good quality intake of water. Standard tap water can be full of chemicals, estrogen and other contaminants, so what you need is pure, unadulterated water in its purest form and we should all know that the quality of water we take is directly connected to the quality of our life, water is the very source of all life and its vital to all forms of life and besides 70 percentage of mature human body is comprised of water and 70 percent of water covers our planet that is for you to have a glimpse of how important water is to our daily life, but ironically most of us don't find time to drink water but we will find time taking other sweet liquids as water substitute, let me make it clear here, water has no substitute. We all know that water is important, but our we drinking enough water?
Good Nutrition
We are what eat. We and only we are responsible for what we eat and that is to say that we and only we are responsible for the state of our health, yes! That is the true position.
After oxygen and water, good nutrition is the next thing needed by your body to function perfectly, science has it that ravages by free radicals can be prevented or even reversed through sufficient concentrations in the body of free radicals scavengers-antioxidants, junk food can never provide your body with essential minerals and vitamins needed to function at it optimum level, for those of you already suffering from cancer better stop eating processed and lifeless food, even those doing chemotherapy or radiation this dead foods will make you sicker, what your body needs is foods full of life and energy to help you wither the onslaught caused by these treatments , additives, chemicals, preservatives, crisps, sugary foods, biscuits, stodgy puddings, McDonald's are all the type of foods cancer cells loves dearly and cherish and what does that imply? When you dine and feast on this type of food, you are fueling your cancer if you have cancer, if you are not yet a victim of cancer, then you are watering the development and growth of cancer cells.
To beat cancer or prevent it, you must eat living foods, foods that contains water, natural sugars, vitamins and minerals (vegetables, fruits, grasses, our body can assimilate these at a much faster rate and in the end be vibrant and healthy.
In addition how we cook our food is of equal importance besides the quality, if you are ‘micro waving’ your food, it might interest you to know that it kills 90% of the nutrients in vegetables. Boiling, roasting and frying is another way of destroying any value left in our food.
We as individuals have different biochemical make up each individual is unique, nobody has a body the same as yours, we have different nutritional deficiencies so it is advisable to know your metabolic type, you can find a practitioner certified in metabolic typing.
Besides whatever your metabolic Type it is extremely important that you steam your vegetables as against boiling or cooking, microwaving, frying , or roasting .
Lest I forget, you need a good juicer, for juicing your fruits, juices are ttypehiest and quicket way to get all the nutrients into your body. You need to juice according to your metabolic Type, you need the best masticating juicer you can afford, thprefare enable you get more from your vegetable. I remain Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A spiritual Author, Your spiritual Avatar and Counselor. For more information WhatsApp: +2348146015314 or visit: or or write to:

Monday, October 4, 2010


Yes! You heard right. The cure for cancer depends on you and you alone. The phrase “a cure for cancer” now appears to sound like irony. Why is this so? Because conventional medicine (scientist) has failed woefully, despite the fact that President Nixon declared war an the disease since 1971, nearly forty years now.
The American cancer society states that cancer will kill 569, 490 people this year in the united States alone, some statistics!
Dr. John Bailor, then a cancer statistician for the U.S. National Cancer Institute in 1985, in an address he delivered to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of science stated that:
"Cancer death rate continue to go up
Year after year. These are real increase…..
This has been going on quite steadily for a number of years."
In 1995,ten years after he declared again that" ….years of intense effort focused largely on improving treatment must be judged a qualified failure (N Eng1JMed 1997)
If one may ask at this age of knowledge, technology and science, why are we sicker than ever? Cancer, depression, obesity or most deadly diseases are preventable disease, so we should be singing prevention, reversing and how to stop this diseases above cure, if we guide against cancer, there will be no need for cure, we should be working at the causes not the symptoms, stop the causes and cancer cells will be sent packing this is the time for you to take charge of your health, after-years of conventional medicine failing us, you can no longer intelligently leave your health squarely in the domain of conventional medicine.
A fool at forty is a fool forever, the cancer cure deception will be forty years taking bearing from 1971-2011 we have been told for the past fifty years that cancer cure is just around the corner, it is only you that can stop yourself from believing this charade.
Why not defy the odds? Your life is not being run by statistics, forget those statistics and defy the odds, as far as cancer is concerned you can jump of the statistics que. You are unique, your conditions are unique and your solutions are unique, you don’t need a straight jacket fits all, what fuels your cancer, may be different from mine and if we are talking about causes, we have different causes and of course different solutions, it is as simple as that.
Cancer is simply a question of lifestyle, environment and diett, find out what is fuelling your cancer and there liess your solution and cure. Is it diet, lifestyle, environment, spiritual or otherwise? Did I hear you ask how do I find out? Well you asked right, you are not the first to pass through this road, many has done, we have many millions who have defied their doctors, defied statistics, defied the cancer death sentence and continue to live their life’s testimonial abounds.
If any person tells you this or that cures cancer never, believe, don’t even take my word or that of your Oncologist either. First thing to do, if you are diagnosed of cancer or wants to prevent or beat cancer is to search and search. Thanks to the internet, thousands of books are now at your disposal telling you how different type of people reversed or stopped their cancer. All you have to do is to do your diligent search read six to twelve good cancer books or more, have informed choices that will empower you to take informed decisions, I repeat for the sake of emphasis do not take any body’s word on cancer cure, not even me or that of your doctor, a fool at forty is a fool forever. You are unique, your problem is unique, so your cure is also unique, what caused my cancer, may not be what caused yours,you just must be reading to have access to informed choices that will empower you to make informed decisions. Find the cause of your cancer, there lies your cure.
Remain Richly Blessed: For more information WhatsApp: -2348146015314
Dr. Chukwu Innocent O.