Black walnut is used to balance sugar levels and to burn up excessive toxins and fatty materials. Black walnut also exhibit anti-cancer properties due to its content of both strong and weak acids, and alkaloids. The herb oxygenates the blood to kill parasites, the brown coloring or stain in the green husk has organic iodine which has healing and antiseptic properties
it has the capacity to fight against fungal infections and uses its antiseptic characteristics to help fight bacterial infection, it also helps to promote bowel regularity and serves as ant-parasitic.
The Chinese use it to kill tape worm while external applications have shown success in killing ring worms. the Asians use the black walnut bark, including the kernel and the green hull are also used to expel various kinds of worms. Take internally it helps to relieve ansti-pation, helps eliminate warts, its, extract s reputed to be of immense benefit in the treatment of herpes, psoriasis, eczema and skin parasites
If you are interested in the black walnut anti-cancer properties, you need to do further research to be convinced. Need black walnut, you canSearch for Black walnut