This is a key ingredient in the herbal formulas for cancer. The Hoxsey Therapies and Essiac tea--- and also in the macrobiotic diets.
“The burdock root is made up mainly of carbohydrates, largely INULIN, mucilage, starches and some sugar. Inulin is the principle active ingredient in burdock rot and it has been shown to have remarkable curative powers in lab studies. Inulin helps strengthen the organs, especially the liver, and its natural sugars help to regulate blood sugar metabolism…….. Inulin is also regarded as a powerful immune system regulator and when leaned up with Echinacea--- it is a powerful immune system booster. Inulin is thought to attach itself to the surface of white blood cells and make them work better. It is ever thought that Inulin can activate T-cells in the attack against cancer cells.
It might interest you to know that Burdock seed--- contains a number of ligands, including arctigenin.
Japanese researchers found out that Burdock helps to reduce the mutagenicity of chemicals activated by metabolism including those whose mutagenicity is not dependent upon metabolic activity.
Purification of the burdock factors is known to effectively reduce the level mutagens by 24% while fresh juice reduced mutagens by 17%.
It might interest one to know also that Benzaldehyde isolated from burdock has also shown effective anticancer activity.
Actually if you are desirous of beating cancer through the alternative and natural therapy route, it is advisable that you cultivate the habit of reading, this will help you find out by yourself what has been working for others and how others survived cancer.
The following books may be of immense help:
1. Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance, Arlene Valentine ---
2. Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy by Cynthia Olsen, et al.---
3. Beating cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin---Beating Cancer with Nutrition - 2005 publication
4. Essiac Essentials: The Remarkable Herbal Cancer Fighter by Sheila Snow, Mali Klein ---
Remain positively focused
Dr. Chukwu Innocent O.
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