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Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Dr. Chukwuh, a Homoeopathic Physician, Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, a health instructor, a researcher and a servant and Custodian of some esoteric wisdom. He is the founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of aids to all mystical mediations. Dr. Chukwuh is a Nigerian; He studied Public Administration in the Higher Institution, community health aids in school of Health Technology. He studied astrology, white and black magic in Unidsgharl spiritual Occult chambers Of India, including herbal medicine known as alternative medicine and Homeopathy in the former Indian school of Homeopathy and Spiritualism Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria. Between 1991­-1996, He served as Secretary General of Trado-medical practitioners of Nigeria, Imo and Abia State chapters. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association [WAHSPRA] and the Global Spiritual Philosophers Agency [GLOSPA] whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world. .

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Friday, April 3, 2009


When one reads the title of this book “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” what readily comes to mind is, what is sexy about cancer? The author Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare cancer in her thirties and she went far in documenting her survival story. “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” relates her experience with humor, even if you are not a cancer survivor this book will inspire you to live life every day to the fullest.
This book is for any woman with any kind of cancer not just breast cancer. The book will give you fantastic tips on everything from handling losing your hair to cancer. It’s a pleasure to read “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips”
This book offers sound and practical advice from talking to your Doctor, Nurse, to playing the cancer card, working on your attitude, dressing up and of course eating correctly.
Despite the fact that the book is targeted on young women, women of all age’s need this book and would find it very helpful. All women, whether they have cancer or not need this book..
Kris Carr gives you reason to laugh, while also giving you valuable information and tips about how to cope with cancer.
It’s an uplifting book that tackles a depressing topic. I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone who wants to be inspired, while at the same time beating cancer
Back to the topic “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” I wondered what is crazy or sexy about cancer, but a few pages answered my questions. The topic has to do with thousands of sexy, crazy, brilliant, cancer, loving, gorgeous, wonderful and beautiful women who are diagnosed of cancer every year.
The irony is that everyone in one way or the other is affected by the disease or will be at some point in our lives.
Carr, in a crazy, delightful sexy way shares her own experience while at the same time proffering solutions to “cancer babes” as she chooses to call those beautiful young ladies that are suffering from cancer or those yet to suffer from it, she gives them tips on how to tackle their own diagnosis.
The book has tips for recovering from the shock of an initial diagnosis, how to get the best medical care possible, how to handle friends, family and fertility. It also has an informative and comprehensive chapter on nutrition and exercise.
All you have to do is read this book; no amount of review can do justice to it.
If you are a woman, irrespective of your age, whether you have been diagnosed of cancer or not you need this book. If you are interested in the book you can get here:crazy sexy cancer tips

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