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Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Dr. Chukwuh, a Homoeopathic Physician, Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, a health instructor, a researcher and a servant and Custodian of some esoteric wisdom. He is the founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of aids to all mystical mediations. Dr. Chukwuh is a Nigerian; He studied Public Administration in the Higher Institution, community health aids in school of Health Technology. He studied astrology, white and black magic in Unidsgharl spiritual Occult chambers Of India, including herbal medicine known as alternative medicine and Homeopathy in the former Indian school of Homeopathy and Spiritualism Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria. Between 1991­-1996, He served as Secretary General of Trado-medical practitioners of Nigeria, Imo and Abia State chapters. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association [WAHSPRA] and the Global Spiritual Philosophers Agency [GLOSPA] whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world. .

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Friday, April 3, 2009



The Gerson Therapy: The proven Nutritional program by Gerson is a highly recommended first book on the use and application of alternative treatment and Natural Healing for chronic conditions.
This book is a first recommendation for anyone wanting to grasp the use of alternative medicine for the healing of cancer and any chronic disease. This book is also recommended to anyone using conventional treatment or contemplating to do so. It is also recommended for any one who wants to use alternative treatment to compliment conventional treatment already undergone.
Like any task in life, the process of natural treating is not easy, it requires attention to details and continuous study to guide against set backs in the process.
“The Gerson Therapy” approach is healing by combination of quality nutrition and total body detoxification. The detailed program is a total program that does required reasonable life style changes, and lifetime life style changes is required to remain healthy, all can be achieved once one has gone through the detailed program.
Let us face the fact, the therapy works but it can be difficult to follow due to its high restrictive food, requires plenty of time to make fresh vegetable juices which is needed several times a day and of course everyday, it also requires time to carry out the detoxification process.
Talking about the diet, the taste is not great due to the restrictions on salt and fat. Nothing good comes easy, for one to be healed without permanent side effects it is well worth the sacrifice and the required life style changes.
This therapy was developed by Dr. Max Gerson MD, the authors father some 60 years ago. No amount of review will do justification to
“ The Gerson Therapy: The proven Nutritional program” the bottom line is for you to get your own copy.
If you actually need to buy book on how to get well from cancer or any degenerative disease for that matter “The Gerson Therapy: The proven Nutritions program’ should be your natural book of first choice.
It works, if you work it. All the information required to do the therapy either by oneself or in collaboration with a qualified clinic or practitioner is provided in this book as a complete section. The mental aspects of natural healing is also addressed.
Are you interest in beating cancer through Nutrition and detoxification? If yes check the book here:the gerson therapy



“Cancer Step Outside The Box” is a book written by TY Bollinger. The author is a CPA and has financial accounting background. He has spent time researching current and non-conforming treatments and preventive approach to cancer.
Bill Henderson, the author of “Cure Your Cancer” and “cancer free” describe the book as “the greatest cancer book I’ve read”. This book is an essential read for those who use standard medical services. The book “cancer step outside the box” opens peoples mind; it is a must read and very difficult to put down, it begins and ends with a refreshing perspective an outstanding and awesome book.. A book that tells it as it is. Every body need to read this book, cancer patients, non-cancer patients and those who wants to insure their life’s against cancer.
So many books out there are full of medical jargons and very difficult, full of chemical and physiological concepts, but the book “Cancer step outside the box” is amazingly easy to understand. In this excellent and compelling book; the author presents timely information for anyone who want to be rid of cancer or anyone who wants to prevent against the occurrence of cancer.
Some very powerful methods used in alternative cancer treatment like the “Oleander soup” from the middle east and some other unique protocols involving the administration of DMSO&MSM and cesium chloride. The DMSO, MSM and cesium protocols involve substances that are very powerful at killing cancer.
In as much as one appreciates the efforts of doctors as far as live serving is concern and what modern medicine has done for mankind.
The book exposes the facts that they are just human like us and have their limitations, with this book you have all the information you need to make an informed and educated choice on how you choose to treat cancer and still maintain your overall health.
The author’s motivation to write this book was driven by the death of his parents and other family members through cancer within a period of ten years.
In the course of the author’s search for solution, He found out that the American Medical Association and the FDA persecute any health professional with innovative solutions for cancer. He was dismayed to discover that any doctor who uses a new approach to cancer will lose their license to practice medicine.
The gospel truth being that doctors are not authorized to try innovative cancer solutions, their job is to practice medicine as taught at medical school and innovation is not part and parcel of the medical charter. The author collected all the data on the history of alternative cancer treatments and prevention and prepare this vital information in a readable style.
If you have cancer or if your loved one has cancer or if you want to prevent cancer by insuring your life against cancer, then this book is for you. Is
One thing that impresses me a lot about the book, “Cancer Step Outside The Box” is that the author gives you the complete backgrounds of each treatment, who discovered it, how it works, what type of cancer it should be used for, it goes further to tell you where and how to order the substance or how to contact the clinic or medical professional who will administer it.
I cannot review this book enough, just go ahead and look up for your own copy, that is if you are interested, check it out here:cancer step outside the box



Beating cancer with nutrition is now the order of the day and that is the very reason you need to lay your hands on the book; “Beating cancer with Nutrition”by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD,CNS.
If you, someone you love or care about are faced with cancer, you owe it to yourself and them to lay your hands on this book, ‘Beating cancer with Nutrition. You need to read this book, it is not hard to understand and you need to put the words of Dr. Patrick Quillin to test.
The only qualification you need to have for this to work for you is, desire to beat cancer and in the words of the author: “Hope, optimism and a fighting spirit”, period.
Beating cancer with Nutrition” gives the reader all the background information about cancer and how best to combat it. Be it prevention, reversing, curing or stopping cancer, this book is all that you need. Forget the stage of your cancer, forget the type of cancer,. All you need to do is give this book a chance by following the advice and instructions outlined in it.
Dr. Quillin outlines in detail, his approach for nutritional therapy. The choice is yours to either buy the supplements separately or buy immunonopower, a combination. Of powder (for shakes) and pills. Immunopower is the gift of Dr. Quillin to the world for fighting cancer.
Do you have the desire to beat cancer? Do you have a fighting spirit: Are you optimistic and full of hope to be among the teeming crowd of cancer survivors? Are you ready to call the bluff of the multi-billion dollar conventional cancer industry with alternative therapy, with nutrition, precisely?
Do you have anyone you love, know or care about that is being tormented with cancer? If you answered yes to this questions, then the book “Beating Cancer with Nutrition” by Dr. Patrick Quillin is all you need, if you answered yes to the above questions, you are free to check out the book here:


If you have cancer or if you have been diagnosed of cancer or if you are being treated with a conventional method or even if your loved one or someone you want to help have cancer, the book “Outsmart Your Cancer” is where you will get the necessary education needed on what to do ad what not to do.
The author authoritatively explores the short comings of conventional treatments without being an extremist, hear the author “Effective alternative, non-toxic approaches to cancer are obtainable today”.
For those who have just been diagnosed, you don’t have to waste months researching in order to find something that will work; this powerful book is an answer to that.
In this book you will get detailed explanation of the twelve most effective approaches to cancer treatment readily available today.
In this book by Mr. Pierce, “Outsmart Your cancer, you will discover the best way to save your life, you will learn a lot about cancer and its solutions. In the end you will be alive and cancer free, no matter what your doctors said, concerning your having three months or so to die.
If you are diagnosed of cancer or have undergone various conventional treatments without success and you decided to sit down and watch the world roll by, you surely must die.
The only solution is to start looking for options or alternative solutions to your predicament. See, your life is yours, no one is competent enough to take decisions concerning your life, especially when the issue concerns decision of life or death. I repeat, no one is competent enough, not even your doctor, not to talk of FDA and the rest of them.
The choice to live or die is yours as for as the choice to survive cancer is concern. The book “Outsmart Your Cancer” will help you see the options open to you and help you take informed decisions.
If you earnestly and sincerely wish to take charge of your own life, the book “Out Smart Your Cancer” is definitely for you. If you fail to take decisions concerning you health and life, in the end somebody will have to take the decisions for you, perhaps at that time you are helpless, and beyond caring.
The book “outsmart you cancer by Tanya Harter pierce is complete with information on all, the major alternative non-toxic cancer treatment available today.
A look at the protocol treatment shows this treatment is backed by solid science and it is a therapy compatible with those who have a busy schedule or lifestyle. In the book you get accurate description of protocol, its history, how to use it, how it works and why it works.
The book goes further to explain all you need to know about cancer, its causes and treatment options and every treatment she chooses to cover is based on research which identifies differences between cancer cells and normal cells and which of the alternative products exploits the difference to make cancer cells self-destruct.
If you or someone you know has cancer, this is one of the books you can start with in addition to the “50 Essential Thing To Do If You Have Cancer” And “Beating Cancer With Nutrition” By Dr. Patrick Quillin.
If you are interested in finding solution to your cancer or that of a loved one. “Outsmart your cancer will do it for you. Get it here.
If you are interested in further broadening of your options and choices to make sound decisions about your health “50 ESSENTIALS THING TO DO, IF YOU HAVE CANCER” will do the trick; you can look it up here:
Alternatively if you are favored towards tackling your cancer with Nutrition, Dr. Quillin’s book will do the magic, “Beating cancer with Nutrition” is all that you need. You can look up the book here:
“Beating cancer with Nutrition’s is the mother of them all.
Remain Blessed, as this books guide you to be informed and to make informed decisions. Looking forward to your testimony confirming a cancer free life and confirming that alternative cancer treatments works.Check it out here:



Beating cancer with Nutrition despite the conspiracy going on in the cancer Industry is a welcome development. Beating cancer with Nutrition is a book written by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS. This book gives the reader all the background information about cancer and how best to fight it, with a clear and vivid outlines of the nutritional therapy. The reader has the option of buying the supplements separately or can buy ‘immuneopower’, this is a combination of powder (for shakes) used in giving cancer a defeating fight.
No matter the stage of your cancer this book will save you, you need to understand what I mean, even if you are afflicted with liver, kidney, prostrate, bone, skin, stomach, breast cancer or any type of cancer by what ever name, even if you are afflicted with all this diseases at the same time, Dr. Quaillian’s book Beating cancer with Nutrition will save you. Note what I said, I didn’t say help you, for the sake of emphasis, I said will save you.
Refuse that death sentence by your doctor it isn’t your portion, forget any death sentence by any doctor be it 3 months to live or what ever. Let it be known to you that cancer can be cured, cancer can be reversed, and cancer can be defeated through Nutrition and some special supplements.
Yes! That is the position. Say no to chemotherapy! Say no to radiation! You have your life to leave and you have the choice of making informed decisions concerning your life, it is your life that is at stake and as such the decision is yours and yours alone.
I am a strong advocate for alternative cancer treatment because, radiation has failed, chemotherapy has failed even, and surgery amongst others has lost the war against cancer.
May almighty God give you a discerning spirit to make informed decisions and choices as far as your health is concern.
I strongly recommend Dr. Patrick Quillins’s book Beating cancer with Nutrition; Lay your hands on it and you will be glad forever that you did.
Are you interested in saying bye, bye to caner, chemotherapy and radiation? Are you interested in saving your life or that of a loved one, if yes! Check out the book “Beating cancer with Nutrition here::

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


              The Grimoire Creation

If one may ask, what is destiny? Can destiny be defined as a predetermined road we are forced to take by mother nature? Can it be said to be a giant or supreme force which we are stuck with?

Notwithstanding our spiritual leaning, it is a common belief that we are meant to pass through life through a preplanned route, executing a mission we were called to execute. Can it be the reason, a times when someone dies through one form of calamity or the other, we say it is his destiny. It has been destined to happen.

The word destiny is shrouded in controversy and argument, with several school of thoughts including the Moslems, Christians,, Hindus, Judaisms, Spiritualists, Occult groups, the layman or the Atheist and the Philosophers to mention but a few.

That notwithstanding majority of the people believe in DESTINY, hence the purpose of this write up. If one believes in destiny certain questions begs for answers. Do we have any say over our future? Has our future already been decided for us? Honestly, how one chooses to look at the issue of destiny is entirely up to him. You may go about life believing you are following already prepared agenda. This topic has always been and always must be a subject of hot debate and controversy.

Two choices are worth taken, changing or controling your destiny or to go on blindfolded, taken solace in the belief, you are carrying your cross.

Destiny as stated earlier has to do with a predetermined causes of events, call it a predetermined future, if you like. One may see it as a fixed sequence of events that are inevitable and unchangeable.


In as much as I agree to the fact that the future or environment are decided by what takes place in the present because we are where we are today through our actions or inactions, choices or chances.
I also believe that destiny can be influenced by certain factors, like faith, environments, choices, exposures, cultures, parenting choices, determination etc. to some degrees.

As a spiritualist, I am speaking with all sense of humility, responsibility and authority.
I know and make bold to state that destiny can be spiritually controlled, mainipulated or even reversed especially when a persons destiny is on the negative side. Though one needs a strong character to protect a developed or groomed destiny. You cannot have a weak character and ends up with a strong destiny.

Take it from me, DESTINY can be altered or changed spiritually.
My challenge, get me anyone who has not been making any head way in life, after the necessary comprehensive and holistic forensic spiritual research, his destiny can be reversed for real.

The wise toil shortly and get to their destinations, while the fools toil for ever and just to earn a living.
All roads to success are always under constructions, only those with spiritual or metal shoes can freely walk on it without being hurt. Protection of your success from crumbling, is our major spiritual goal.

Poverty is a choice, though one can ignorantly chose poverty.
We are ruling supreme with one world Spiritual Government.
We believe in Spiritual solutions to Spiritual problems.
We remain the World Spiritual Heroes, the Unrafflers and Un-doers of all Spiritual Impossiblities.

Life is more risky not to take risk, especially spiritual risks, and worst of all, to do nothing in a confused and worst situation.
If all your bests for years have not helped you to achieve your dreams, it means your bests are not enough. Allow the spiritual experts take over your fight and win it for you, whilst you carry the trophy.

Every life deficiency, be it wasted years, confused idiopathic, spiritually caused, endemic and chronic illnesses (occurring repeatedly) poverty, finances, faulty foundations, ceased glory, non positive connections, perpetual failures, shortchanged lives, happy home, peace of mind etc. spiritually and mysteriously remedied in human life through the spiritual scientific discovery by our spiritual thesis can never be reversed, crumbled or dwarfed for life.

A spiritual life of no impact to the people and society is a life of no value' L. W. De Laurence.

One cannot achieve greatness from a failed idea.
A wrong decision is highly likely the master key to a perpetual failure and destruction of destinies.

In the things that are hard, tough and bad, there are unseen opportunities scattered everywhere, Those scattered opportunities must always be noticed, gathered and utilized by those that have vision and wisdom.
Endless failure is a choice.
Poverty is also a choice.

We are ruling Supreme with one World Spiritual Government for a Spiritually Protected Future.
For more information consult:
Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia
A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, General Overseer, Spiritual Head, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
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