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Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Dr. Chukwuh, a Homoeopathic Physician, Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, a health instructor, a researcher and a servant and Custodian of some esoteric wisdom. He is the founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of aids to all mystical mediations. Dr. Chukwuh is a Nigerian; He studied Public Administration in the Higher Institution, community health aids in school of Health Technology. He studied astrology, white and black magic in Unidsgharl spiritual Occult chambers Of India, including herbal medicine known as alternative medicine and Homeopathy in the former Indian school of Homeopathy and Spiritualism Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria. Between 1991­-1996, He served as Secretary General of Trado-medical practitioners of Nigeria, Imo and Abia State chapters. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association [WAHSPRA] and the Global Spiritual Philosophers Agency [GLOSPA] whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world. .

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Friday, May 15, 2020



             The Grimoire Creation

Supreme Supernatural System of Government (Authority Without Equal)

Take advantage of working and succeeding in environments where nothing is static or too predictable. The global society today, is wholistically and randomly unpredictable.
Why can't you take the advantage to succeed in the unpredictable environment, which is like a' dysfunctional family’ that seeks help from a bunch of “accredited therapists,” who do not have the capacity nor the true interest to fix the problem? No wise man fails in such environment, unless the person is amongst the intelligent fools who must fail in all their live endeavors. Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, the quality of being wise and master key driver to good decisions.

We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

Life is more risky not to take risk, especially spiritual risks, and worst of all, to do nothing in a confused and worst situation.
If all your bests for years have not helped you to achieve your dreams, it means your bests are not enough.
Allow the spiritual experts take over your fight and win it for you,  whilst you carry the trophy.

The wise toil shortly and get to their destinations, while the fools toil for ever and just to earn a living. Poverty is a choice, though one can ignorantly chose poverty.
We are ruling supreme with one world Spiritual Government.
We believe in Spiritual solutions to Spiritual problems.
We remain the World Spiritual Heroes, the Unrafflers and Un-doers of all Spiritual Impossiblities.
Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia.
The Ultimate Father Superior.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


              The Grimoire Creation

Supernatural System of Government
          (Authority Without Equal)

The penalties of ignorance are lack and poverty. You cannot be wise and remain poor, unless your nerves are motionless, static and have been captured in redundancy.
Your knowledge is a pure ignorance if it is not commensurate or proportional with your lives status and Success.

Success is like an ocean, unlimited in supply.
Why approach it with a teaspoon? whilst poverty is a choice, and is like a virus. if nothing is done to eradicate it, one dies with it, and it spreads from one generation to another.

We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

In the things that are hard, tough and bad, there are unseen opportunities scattered everywhere, Those scattered opportunities must always be noticed, gathered and utilized by those that have vision and wisdom. Endless failure is a choice.
Poverty is also a choice.

The general cause of failure is because some people only wants to be part of the achieved positive result and not in the process, and it is in the process that the committed deserved ones are chosen. If you are afraid of taking a risk, you are equally afraid of success.

We believe in Spiritual solutions to Spiritual problems.
We remain the World Best Spiritual Heroes, the World Most Wanted Spiritual Providers, Unrafflers and Undoers of All Spiritual Impossiblities.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia.
The Ultimate Father Superior.

Monday, March 2, 2020








The Success and Wealth Codes are powerful practices that help one identify un-limiting beliefs, overcome negative patterns, and destroy unsuccessful programming, such that one can experience the true successes that have always been desired in life.
Esoteric Spiritual Solutions and
Esoteric world Discovery, the doers of impossibles are one of the most leading Spiritual firm(with the most unparalleled tract records) transacting business as Spiritualists, Spiritual Management Consultants, Life and Spiritual Consultants and Esoteric Service Experts (fully Certified and Ratified with proven track records).
We have witnessed tremendous growth in the endeavours of our clients based on account of our unique and pragmatic way of administering Spiritual solutions in a cutting edge to corporate outfits, groups and individuals.

Success is like an ocean, unlimited in supply.
Why approach it with a teaspoon? whilst poverty is a choice, and is like a virus. if nothing is done to eradicate it, one dies with it, and it spreads from one generation to another.

We utilize the ingenuity of our past spiritual records, experience, expertise, and skills in the Spiritual Industry to help our clients save costs by leveraging on the latest Spiritual digital technology.
Our personnel hold high Spiritual Esoteric certifications and have extensive experiences covering all aspects of the Spiritual businesses. They are indeed abreast with Esoteric Digital and Global Community.

Our unequal Spiritual services, ensure the best of rates and terms are obtained on our client's, students, customers and patients behalf, on behalf of our Spiritual companies. In addition, we are positively rooted in the commitments of packaging tailor-made Spiritual solutions to suit human desired operations. Our role as Spiritualists also ensures that Spiritual seekers, as a matter of obligation, get all their Spiritual desires fulfilled and actualized.

What makes us standout among our contempraries is professional service in the field of Spiritual risk management. We have demonstrated to the benefit of our spiritual industrial, individual and groups clients,(including spiritual Doubters) our knowledge of Spirituality and risks management in various trades and our capacity to operate efficiently with unlimited access to the Global Competitive Spiritual markets.

We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

Our appointments will ensure;
you get all the appropriate Spiritual services discounts, waivers on your Spiritual Services costs, etc.
All the terms, clauses, conditions and exceptions in your Spiritual desires are the most appropriate for your operations.
You get the best Spiritual Risk Management and Loss-Prevention Advice.
You are familiar with all the legal provisions in Spiritualism, and have a holistic Spiritual package that ends up reducing your total Spiritual expenses, without remote, immediate and after side effects.

                      OUR VISION

To become world best Spiritual, Herbal and Religious products and services Company and Solution Providers.

                       OUR MISSION

To create and maintain the highest standard of Professional Spiritualism, Herbalism, Religious, African Traditional healings, Black and White magic etc. for the satisfaction of all our students, clients, patients, customers, and prospective solution seekers whose cases are opaque to remedies.

A Digital Culture Of Spiritual Riches;
Discovered By The Eco-Spiritualism,
A Spiritual Scientific Discovery By A Research:
Transforming The Way You Do
Everything, the last option for the living, and re-righting devastation of desires.
For over 29 years we have been dedicated to helping people overcome life issues, to thrive, succeed and proffer solutions to every human problem(s)

Our spiritual services, advice, applications and programs address many personal issues to improve on human lifestyles; for better relationships, reversing chronic and mystified sicknesses, helping people to establish their fame, offering higher income solutions, and business successes. We are also experts in providing inter-alia to mankind: Happiness, Goodness of the state of mind and healthy living, business Successes, Riches and Wealth through spiritual wealth creations like winning of contracts, happy marriages, happy homes, elections, lotto, pool, debt recovery etc. Ministration Growth known as "Miracles Crowd Puller" and to lead a happy and healthier life. Others include giving Spiritual Protection and helping humans to become Mighty and Mightier Without being Dwarfed by any force(s) etc.

Our spiritual solutions are for things that usually cannot be solved by human knowledge, strength, efforts, good ideas and ordinary means. We take over where others had woefully failed.
These ancient spiritual and alternative methods are remedies to modern problems that have helped our students, clients, patients and customers all over the world to achieve their desired goals and dreams for over twenty nine years.

Our online store is enhanced with practical spiritual advises, unique solutions and final remedies. Discover new solutions that shall let you pursue your passions and needs in ways you never thought possible. These are unique items that you can’t find elsewhere on this planet earth, except in the world of "Esotericism" Esoteric World Discovery and Allspiritualsolutions which are the sure answers to every human problems.
We offer you abundance of options in many categories:
You can choose to buy product(s) from us only and we offer you a unique guide on how to implement and use them on your own. When needed, our service is available to you at or at our headquarters.
All of the products found on this website are things that we have given to others in our local offices for the past 29 years and have seen it work successfully. Everything that we use here have been tested, trusted and it has been proven to have worked positively for many of our spiritual seekers.
Our services include our 29 years of experience with unique solutions, Talismans, Amulets, Natural Ancient Remedies, Healing and Success Remedies and Tools for all Life Purposes and discovering New Pathways of life as the world evolves on a daily basis.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever"

We have discovered why some talented people remain spiritually caged and blindfolded for life.
Why some are victims of spiritual prisons. They have eyes for sight but are spiritually blind, blindly thriving beyond spiritual adversity. Now, know ye that Esoteric World Discovery in its esoteric archive through mystical liquidity evolver and the world of spiritual evolution for all life purposes has come for your solutions and for those of numerous others round the globe.
Esoteric World Discovery and All Spiritual Solutions, a spiritual scientific Discovery by a research are the last option solutions for every human problem under the sun.
Every deficiency on human life that are spiritually and mysteriously remedied through the spiritual scientific discovery, by our spiritual thesis can never be reversed or dwarfed on this planet earth.
We are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.
We are Spiritually unactionable, unchallengeable and resolute etc. We have Spiritual Solutions to every human problems under the Sun.
Just an idea of your vision or thought, and the best Spiritual Solution is there in waiting to be given. We have the Spiritual ability to revamp and redo all human solutions with evolution of Ayurveda Connections.
Spiritualism is a process between shortsightedness and vision, anarchy and due process. Unless one is spiritually and mystically updated, he remains spiritually blind. Many people have ignorantly chosen failure and poverty. They are not interested in changing their thinking or adapt to new changes in life. Nothing in their life will ever change until they accept that there are things they don't know and that is what we call "Poverty by Choice".

Failure is not a virus or influenza, but a choice. With the right decisions and measures, it can be spiritually contained for life.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that those people who are successful today won’t have more failure issues even today or tomorrow. Don't forget that spiritualism is the last and only option where all knowledge, efforts, and physical strengths have woefully failed.
That’s why we advocate a comprehensive approach to spiritualism and success, riches, creation and production of wealth, and it's protection from all the forces of dwarfing.

No human should assume he won’t get failures. That could be a fatal mistake quite literally.
Failures do not respect borders, it does not distinguish between races or ethnicities. It has no regard for contacts, faiths, family background, level of development, knowledge or generational attachments or connections.
The point is not only to prevent people from facing failure or having failures in life, the point is what you do when one is faced with chronic and confused failures, unless you are ready to waste the remaining part of your life. This is so because failures and successes are relatively akin to human racial life. We leave you to the choice of either of them. Any of your dreams would be laid bare to you by us through our higher spiritual magical systems.

We are not hopeless by trying to give you hope. We are not defenseless, as we know that all successes are in tune with secrets and that major percentages of problems are parts of Successes. Getting success can be easy, but protecting the success from dwarfing is a spiritual task.
There is one thing every wise can do to have it right, and that is nothing but spiritual risk. Don't forget that, it is more risky not to take genuine and doubtable risks in life.
Esoteric World Discovery, a spiritual Scientific Centre discovered by a research can restore again all human unseen Wasted Years. Ceased Glory, Lost/Unachievable Dreams, Lost Visions, and Spiritually Shortchanged Lives. We can also turn mistakes and Failures Into Testimonies and Celebrations, turn present situations Into a Super Star Season mightier than ever dreamt, and protect the success from dwarfing.
Success Is never by chance or by mistake, but by wise decision.
Successful life cannot come as a miracle.

It Is More Risky not to take Risk, and worst of all to do nothing In a confused situation, whilst genuine spiritual options are abound. You cannot be following the same formula and expect different results in life. People who are used to what they are used to never get to the unusual.
Spiritualism has taken over knowledge, good ideas and physical strength. We match spiritualism, science and physical reality to achieve every spiritual goal in life. We have spiritual solutions to every human problem(s) in life.
We are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.

For more information,
We remain:

Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia,

Your Spiritual Counselor, The Spiritual General, The Spiritual Consultant, The living Oracle, The World Most Visited Spiritual Home, The Man Who Shot The Satan, A Man Whose Systems Move God, An Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultic Expert, Spiritual Grand Master, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information,
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or visit: or or write:

Thursday, January 30, 2020


             The Grimoire Creation

Supernatural System of Government
          (Authority Without Equal)

The doers of all Spiritual impossibles, and the spiritual solutions heroes are discovering why some talented people remain spiritually caged and blindfolded for life.

Why some are victims of spiritual prison. They have sights but spiritually blindfolded, blindly thriving beyond spiritual adversity, and esoteric archive through mystical liquidity evolver and the world of spiritual evolution for all life purposes which includes: Happiness, Good Health, Success, Riches, Wealth, Protection, Being Mighty Without Dwarfing etc.
Esoteric World Discovery and All Spiritual Solutions, spiritual scientific discovery by a research are the last solutions for every human problem
under the sun.

Every deficiency, spiritually and mysteriously remedied in human life through the spiritual scientific discovery by spiritual thesis can never be reversed or dwarfed in life.
They are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.
They Are Spiritually Unctionable, Unchallengeable And Resolute etc. They Have Spiritual Solutions For Every Human Problem Under The Sun.
Just An Idea of Your Vision or Thought, And The Best Solution Is Given. They Have The Spiritual Ability To Revamp And Redo All Human Solutions, with Evolution of Ayurveda Connections.

What you don't know, you don't know. Claiming to know what you don't know the secret technicalities is stupidity. We are spiritual consultants helping to change lives positively through out the world
'A spiritual life of no impact to the people and society is a life of no value' L. W. De Laurence.

Spiritualism is a process between shortsightedness and vision, anarchy and due process. Unless one is spiritually and mystically updated, he remains spiritually blindfolded.

He remains:
Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia,
Your Spiritual Counselor, The Spiritual General, The Man Who Shot The Satan, A Man Whose Systems Moves God, An Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultism Expert, Spiritual Grand Master, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information,
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314
or write to
or visit: or or write:

Saturday, December 21, 2019


                   LOTTO WINNERS

                The Grimoire Creation

"Euro/Mega Millions Lotto Winnings Perfected"

*24 Hours Empire Powered by A Spiritual Scientific Discovery By A Research*

Wind Of Spiritual Change,
Bringing Your Future To The Present, For A calculated Super Season Of Success, And Life Spiritual Connection That Wins All.

Global Lottery Winners Psychology Club

Yes, this is a Spiritual Encrypted Wealth Information on Lotto winnings. These includes: Euro Millions, Mega millions, Power balls,
SuperEna Lotto, Euro Jackpot, Canadian Lotto, UK Lotto, Mega Sena, Foot ball bets, Olympic lottery, lotto 6/49, supper lotto, pools etc were created to empower and crate millionaires from the general populace.
These are the fastest and best ways of making huge clean money as winners are being paid from losers money. No security disturbance, no crime known to law, no money laundering etc.
If you hear that someone won ₤100M or US dollars equivalent at a time, please be informed that thousands of people had lost over ₤200M or its equivalent from the same game.

Millions of people will continue to lose, whilst the few wise winners will continue to win. It is not through prayers, it is not by forecasting, It can only be won with a spiritual scientific discovery by a research and microscopic forensic redefined and filtered spiritual research. These will help and catapult your finances to a greater height whilst they protect you from dwarfing.
Majority of the loser's does not feel they’ve lost their finances, because the money they voluntarily lost by playing the game is very small. It is called indirect contribution to empower unknown lucky person or persons. Why can't you be the next winner? Successful life cannot come as a miracle. In life, it is more risky not to take risk. I mean genuine risks that worth it.

In the things that are hard, tough and bad, there are unseen opportunities scattered everywhere, Those scattered opportunities must always be noticed, gathered and utilized by those that have vision and wisdom. Endless failure is a choice.
Poverty is also a choice.
'A spiritual life of no impact to the people and society is a life of no value' L. W. De Laurence.

The general cause of failure is because some people only wants to be part of the achieved positive result and not in the process, and it is in the process that the committed deserved ones are chosen. If you are afraid of taking a risk, you are equally afraid of success.

The lotto windfalls are enough for you to have all your financial dreams fixed, live in any part of the world, do any type of business and banish money troubles forever within days or weeks.
Lots of money is up for grabs on weekly draw basis, if you find the right spiritual source.
The Lotto results are typically drawn at 7.45pm and the Thunderball is drawn at 8.15pm.

How to play Euro millions for example:
To play, you simply select five numbers between 1 and 50, plus two Lucky Star numbers from 1-12.
If you really can’t choose and you’re finding the pressure too much, you can always select a Lucky Dip and let the machine choose a random selection for you.
Euro millions draws take place on Tuesday and Friday evenings from approximately 8.30pm.
Ticket sales are for both Tuesday and Friday. Euro millions draws close at 7.30pm on the evening of the draw.
If you’ve missed out, you can buy your ticket for the next draw almost straight away, sales reopen at 9pm.

Mega millions: Legitimate Riches and Wealth without side effects. Did I hear someone say that sometimes, because of no winner the jackpot can go up to hundreds of million dollars?
Come on! You cannot afford to play the mega million lottery, whilst the promoters smile to the banks everyday. You gnash your teeth and look helpless. Let me tell you now and here, you can beat the odds and win the lottery. If you key into the right source of spiritual connection, you can win big in all your life endeavors. Opportunity they say comes but once.
Presently there is decreased interest in mega millions lottery players, players realizing just how slim the chance of winning with odds of 258,890, 000 to 1, it looks impossible for one to win the odds of 258,890,000 to 1 chance of winning. It is very possible to win mega millions lottery say I say so. You can beat the promoters to their game, at where all seemingly impossibilities are made spiritually possible.
Nothing is impossible if tackled through the right source of power. We have the keys to unlock the mega millions or any lottery vaults through out the world. We don’t make empty claims. We are not an imposters. We guarantee our words backed by decades of spiritual experience and achievements in the spiritual sphere.
May the cosmic give you the wisdom to understand the mysteries and may you be blessed mightily by the synthetic cosmic Order.

Success is like an ocean, unlimited in supply.
Why approach it with a teaspoon? whilst poverty is a choice, and is like a virus. if nothing is done to eradicate it, one dies with it, and it spreads from one generation to another.

If you want super success, super breakthrough, to keep and protect it from dwarfing, you must be ready to do something different from what others are used to doing. You must be ready to do what others dare not do. You cannot be doing things the same way or being used  to what you are used to and be expecting unusually different results.You cannot be thinking and reasoning the say way you did twenty years ago, and be expecting changes in your life this year. Nothing in your life will change until you change your thinking and ways of reasoning.
You must believe in changes and accept it before it comes, as it comes in different unknown ways. Opportunity comes as unachievable task, and a successful life cannot come as a miracle.
You must do things differently, that is things you had never been doing if you want changes, growth, establishments and great elevation in your life.

Mind Changing Concept is changing the conventional ways of thinking and old used ways of reasoning. You cannot be doing things the same used ways and expect different results.
Being Professional means focusing only on what you are trained to do, and be the best of it. Sometimes, experience is more important than school qualifications.
Swimming with the tide means converting an unfavorable situation to personal advantages. Adverse
knowledge is worth as much as gold if correctly used.
Seizing every opportunity and daring to take genuine risks are the only sure way to greatness. Dont forget that, it is more risky not to take risk.They mean genuine risks. They are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.
Every deficiency, spiritually and mysteriously remedied in your life through a spiritual scientific discovery by a research can never be reversed or dwarfed again in this present life.

We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

This is Golden Risk Without Equat, Life is More Risky Not To Take Risk,, especially spiritual risks, and Worst Of All To Do Nothing In A Confused and Worst Situation.
If all your best for years have not helped you to achieve your dreams, it means your best is not enough.
Change your thinking and ways of reasoning today and rule your world.
Spiritualism has taken over knowledge and physical strength. We match spiritualism, science and physical reality to achieve every spiritual goal in life. Every spiritual problem has a solution.

He remains:
Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia,
A Spiritual Counselor, A Spiritual Head, General Overseer, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information:
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or
+2348166979375 or visit: or write to: or

Friday, December 20, 2019



"Euro And Mega Millions Lotto Winnings Perfected"

*24 Hours Empire Powered by A Spiritual Scientific Discovery By A Research*

Wind Of Spiritual Change,
Bringing Your Future To The Present, For A calculated Super Season Of Success, And Life Spiritual Connection That Wins.

Global Lottery Winners Psychology Club (GLWPC)

Yes, this is a Spiritual Encrypted Wealth Information on Lotto winnings. These includes  Euro Millions, Mega millions, Power balls,
SuperEna Lotto, Euro Jackpot, Canadian Lotto, UK Lotto, Mega Sena, Foot ball bets, Olympic lottery, lotto 6/49, supper lotto, pools etc were created to empower and crate millionaires from the general populace.
These are the fastest and best ways of making huge clean money as winners are being paid from losers money. No security disturbance, no crime known to law, no money laundering etc.
If you hear that someone won ₤100M or US dollars equivalent at a time, please be informed that thousands of people had lost over ₤200M or its equivalent from the same game.

Millions of people will continue to lose, whilst the few wise winners will continue to win. It is not through prayers, it is not by forecasting, It can only be won with a spiritual scientific discovery by a research and microscopic forensic redefined and filtered spiritual research. These will help and catapult your finances to a greater height whilst they protect you from dwarfing.
Majority of the loser's does not feel they’ve lost their finances, because the money they voluntarily lost by playing the game is very small. It is called indirect contribution to empower unknown lucky person or persons. Why can't you be the next winner? Successful life cannot come as a miracle. In life, it is more risky not to take risk. I mean genuine risks that worth it.

The lotto windfalls are enough for you to have all your financial dreams fixed, live in any part of the world, do any type of business and banish money troubles forever within days or weeks.
Lots of money is up for grabs on weekly draw basis, if you find the right spiritual source.
The Lotto results are typically drawn at 7.45pm and the Thunderball is drawn at 8.15pm.

How to play Euro millions for example:
To play, you simply select five numbers between 1 and 50, plus two Lucky Star numbers from 1-12.
If you really can’t choose and you’re finding the pressure too much, you can always select a Lucky Dip and let the machine choose a random selection for you.

Euro millions draws take place on Tuesday and Friday evenings from approximately 8.30pm.
Ticket sales are for both Tuesday and Friday. Euro millions draws close at 7.30pm on the evening of the draw.
If you’ve missed out, you can buy your ticket for the next draw almost straight away, sales reopen at 9pm.

Mega millions: Legitimate Riches and Wealth without side effects. Did I hear someone say that sometimes, because of no winner the jackpot can go up to hundreds of million dollars?
Come on! You cannot afford to play the mega million lottery, whilst the promoters smile to the banks everyday. You gnash your teeth and look helpless. Let me tell you now and here, you can beat the odds and win the lottery. If you key into the right source of spiritual connection, you can win big in all your life endeavors. Opportunity they say comes but once.
Presently there is decreased interest in mega millions lottery players, players realizing just how slim the chance of winning with odds of 258,890, 000 to 1, it looks impossible for one to win the odds of 258,890,000 to 1 chance of winning. It is very possible to win mega millions lottery say I say so. You can beat the promoters to their game, at where all seemingly impossibilities are made spiritually possible.
Nothing is impossible if tackled through the right source of power. We have the keys to unlock the mega millions or any lottery vaults through out the world. We don’t make empty claims. We are not an imposters. We guarantee our words backed by decades of spiritual experience and achievements in the spiritual sphere.
May the cosmic give you the wisdom to understand the mysteries and may you be blessed mightily by the synthetic cosmic Order.

Mind Changing Concept is changing the conventional ways of thinking and old used ways of reasoning. You cannot be doing things the same used ways and expect different results.
Being Professional means focusing only on what you are trained to do, and be the best of it. Sometimes, experience is more important than school qualifications.
Swimming with the tide means converting an unfavorable situation to personal advantages. Adverse
knowledge is worth as much as gold if correctly used.
Seizing every opportunity and daring to take genuine risks are the only sure way to greatness. Dont forget that, it is more risky not to take risk.They mean genuine risks. They are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.
Every deficiency, spiritually and mysteriously remedied in your life through a spiritual scientific discovery by a research can never be reversed or dwarfed again in this present life.

What you don't know, you don't know. Claiming to know what you don't know the secret technicalities is stupidity. We are spiritual consultants helping to change lives positively through out the world

Success is like an ocean, unlimited in supply.
Why approach it with a teaspoon? whilst poverty is a choice, and is like a virus. if nothing is done to eradicate it, one dies with it, and it spreads from one generation to another.

This is Golden Risk Without Equat, Life is More Risky Not To Take Risk,, especially spiritual risks, and Worst Of All To Do Nothing In A Confused and Worst Situation.
If all your best for years have not helped you to achieve your dreams, it means your best is not enough.
Change your thinking and ways of reasoning today and rule your world.
Spiritualism has taken over knowledge and physical strength. We match spiritualism, science and physical reality to achieve every spiritual goal in life. Every spiritual problem has a solution.

He remains: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar,p Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information:
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or
+2348166979375 or visit: or write to: or

Friday, December 13, 2019


                The Grimoire Creation
                         (VOLUME 1)

     +Digital Wealth Spiritually Perfected+

"Desiring And Rediscovering Spiritualism"

Wind Of Spiritual Change,
Bringing Your Future To The Present, For A calculated Super Season Of Success, And Life Spiritual Connection That Wins All.

 Spiritual Information No Man Has Ever Had

            (Motivational Psychology)

Being the first world and largest Digital Spiritual Information Technology and ESSENES school of Old Masters, with perfected spiritual doctrines, it is the Logical End of every spiritual solution on this planet earth.

In situations where best ideas, human efforts, And Knowledge etc. couldn't work, logics, honesty, sacrifices, cognitive thinking all put into actions also failed,
Spiritualism is the next option.

Spiritualism must take over in such a situation. In Spiritualism, one man's meat is another man's meat and every body's meat.
Our personal insinuations and perceptions does not affect the realities of life.

This is a spiritual zone where spiritual digital wealth (SDWIP) is perfected. It is a spiritual home where all human spiritual solutions ends. Esoteric World Discovery Inc.
"A Spiritual Scientific Discovery Home By A Research, A Centre Of Knowledge, Wealth Recreation And Visions Realization, Where Super Star Seasons Are Bound, And Digital Spiritualism Perfected:
(A Spiritual Scientific Rediscovery And Secret Knowledge Perfected In Man, And Rediscovering The Lost Spiritual Techniques of the Old Masters)

Spirituality is above all, a practice where art, knowledge, logic, science, craft and physical reality etc. meet is in Spiritualism.
It comes in when all logic, human knowledge and physical strength have failed.
“When you’re a spiritual manager, you work for the people. When you’re a Spiritual Provider, you serve the entire human race.
This highly interactive Spiritual providers awareness article will help demonstrate how spirituality and spiritual researchers, students, patients, customers, clients, lovers of Spiritualism all over the world can effectively build spiritual strategies and work practices to overcome the current millennium and human challenges, uncertainties and succeed in all life undertakings.

In the things that are hard, tough and bad, there are unseen opportunities scattered everywhere, Those scattered opportunities must always be noticed, gathered and utilized by those that have vision and wisdom. Endless failure is a choice.
Poverty is also a choice.

It will help spiritual researchers and custodians of spiritual wisdom learn the intricacies of spiritual Upstream, Midstream, Spiritual Downstream and Mystical Operations. It will highlight the success factors of the spiritual industry and provide them with the mystical tools and techniques to effectively deal with the risk and uncertainties and make spiritual investment decisions confidently, to protect all their live achievements from crumbling.

Success is like an ocean, unlimited in supply.
Why approach it with a teaspoon? whilst poverty is a choice, and is like a virus. if nothing is done to eradicate it, one dies with it, and it spreads from one generation to another.

Where there"s a will, there's a way; where there's not, there is an alibi, you either change your lens to see the invisible way or you change your position, which means there is a solution for every problem.
The new spiritual global awareness training will analyze the latest ways to improved productivity, profitability and Health, Safety, and Confused Environment of the new "Spiritual Scientific Discovery By A Research'
Their Spiritual and Mystical services Are Without Equal. Esoteric World Discovery Ltd. and the Spiritual Scientific Discovery Home By A Research has the Master Key to all human spiritual wants and needs. They qualify the unqualified, makes people giant, mightier and protects them from dwarfing.

The general cause of failure is because some people only wants to be part of the achieved positive result and not in the process, and it is in the process that the committed deserved ones are chosen. If you are afraid of taking a risk, you are equally afraid of success.

They turn mistakes into miracles, sorrows to joys and failures to success and celebrations. They restore back wasted years, ceased glory, faulty foundations, failed businesses, relationships, failed marriages, and spiritually shortchanged lives.
They Are In Partnership with fifty three (53) living Spiritual Organizations Worldwide.
They takes over where others have failed woefully.

You cannot continue doing things the same way and expect different result.
Always remember that successful life cannot come as a miracle, while protecting failure is a spiritual project.
They Help People In Recreating Their Successful Ideas Through Digitalised Spiritual Visions. Make Them Mightier, Protect Them From Dwarfing, And Helps Them To Attain Wealthy Missions Beyond Borders.
They Match, Blend And Bond Visions With Action Plans In Order To Achieve All Life Missions.
They Opined That The Different Between Success And Failure Is Action Plan, While The Different Between The Rich And The Poor Is That The Rich Take Investment Risks, While The Poor Spend Their Money, And Digital Success Perfected Spiritually:

Your today's choice is the greatest master key to your greatness.
They say hard work is success, but I disagree and opined that secrets of success is determined by the person's choice.
One cannot achieve greatness from a failed idea.
A wrong decision (choice) is highly likely the master key to failure.
Learn to focus on making a good choice.
Don't follow the crowd, they are mostly wrong.
It may be a difficult thing to do in this era of social media where everyone seems to be doing well or displaying to be seem to be doing well in life except you.
Comparing yourself with others is not wrong if done with emulation of ideas and creative cognitive thinking.
Don't compare your life journey with others negatively, not even your classmates or colleagues.
There are only class and age mates, there are no life mates. You are your only mate in life.
The journey to your life began immediately you change your negative thinking and ways of reasoning.
You cannot buy choice from an open market, your choice is in you. Your mind is the master of all your choices in your life.
People who changed their history have declared independence from other people's opinions and choices.

The different between success and failure is choice and action plan. A good plan today is better than a perfect plan in the future.
Your today's decision determines what your tomorrow will be.
Poverty is a choice, failure is a choice, and success is also a choice. One can choose to be a failure by choice, chance, ignorance or deprivation.
Choice rules talent and destiny. Your choice decides your talent and destiny. A Spiritual Scientific Discovery Home by a Research has final spiritual solutions to all human life desires.

It's no secret we are living in a world where spiritualism rules supreme.
Our personal perceptions does not affect the realities of life.
Esoteric World Discovery, a Spiritual Scientific Discovery home by a research has final answers to all human undertakings, which includes Opportunities, Power, Wisdom, Wealth, Health, Protection. Happiness and Peace.
However, the ability to identify the suitable circumstances may be impaired by faulty attitude, such as conceit.
Men are inordinately conceited, such that they overrate their talents and even lie to themselves.

Ironically, this attributes have caused many men to do the " blame game " i.e They infer that all their misdemeanor is caused by the DEVIL, unknown enemy, another person or God. In fact some go to an extent of lying to God, that their problem was the Devil's or enemy's fault.
Self deceit sums it all up. Of course, the premise of success is when preparation meets with opportunity, then, breakthrough must occur.

You cannot achieve greatness from a failed process. How could a man cease an opportunity that comes his way, if he cannot own up to his responsibilities and mistakes?
Definitely, he has debarred himself for spiritual self reassessment, and invariably self appraisal.
The moment one discovers his area of deficiency in life, how to remedy the deficiency becomes a solution desired.
If one's best ideas for years has failed to achieve desired results for him,, it means that the person's best was not enough. If one's thinking today is still the same thinking as about twenty years ago, it means that the person is still at the same level of non evolving logic, static and motionless knowledge, and ideas which he was about twenty years ago. How can one be expecting changes in life, while still remaining at the same level of knowledge and ideas he was twenty years ago? while the world is evolving everyday and spiritualism has even gone digital.

Few years ago, Spiritualism, science and physical reality were digitalised, matched, blended and bonded together to achieve all life goals for the benefit of man.
Change your thinking and ways of reasoning today, if you wants to be great and rule your world. People who are used to what they are used to never get to the unusual. They are always static and motionless. Only your today's choice can change your tomorrow's history. All the legitimate spiritual organizations all over the world are working tirelessly to eradicate spiritual fraud all over the world.
The clock is not waiting for any body.

The universal subconscious mind or God must always rule supreme. The secrets of success is to create success rather than to compete.
It is a fact that all the successful persons on this planet earth, has defined failures according to their different personal experiences. Only the spiritual and mystical definition of failure remains the same, truth and unchanged.
Telling people how to succeed in life, without creating the enabling spiritual environment for thriving is a failed process, but only spiritualism offers the two.
(Philosophy is Wining) Spiritual science is above man's surface personality mind and human comprehension. The Spiritual organization have been commissioned to offer a full spiritual and mystical services that have never been released to men on this planet.

You may or may not be in the same spiritual or physical pedestrian in life. Your natural knowledge, human experiences, spiritual and physical experiences, power acquisitions, spiritual gifts, human perceptions, insinuations, and anointing may not be equal. Your individual insinuations does not affect the realities of life. Natural laws does not bend.
A lot of things happens in lives, in the environment which we have little or no control about.
Life at times can be mirrored as a traveller in a vehicle without a driver or at best with a drunk driver, your bet is as good as mine what the end result may be.
Knowledge is power they say, but not all knowledge. One can have adverse knowledge. One can know the wrong thing. When you know things that blindfolded you, it means you have sight, but spiritually blind.

He remains: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information:
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or
+2348166979375 or visit: or or write to: or


Wednesday, December 4, 2019


     "Balancing Spiritual Knowledge"
              The Grimoire Creation

Wind Of Spiritual Change,
Bringing Your Future To The Present, For A calculated Super Season Of Success, And Life Spiritual Connection That Wins All.

There Are Differences Between Health And Sickness, Success And Wealth, Protection And Safety, Happiness And Peace Of Mind, Knowledge And Wisdom, Hard Work And Effort, Liberty And Freedom, Ability And Endowment, Bravery And Courage, Tenacity And Agility, Tolerance And Endurance, Good And Excellent, Faithful And Fateful etc.

Where All The Above Fails, And Best Ideas and Efforts Also Fail,
spiritualism becomes The Last Option. We Match, Blend And Bond Spiritualism With Physical Reality To Achieve All Goals In Life.
We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

Life is more risky not to take risk, especially spiritual risks, and worst of all, to do nothing in a confused and worst situation.
If all your bests for years have not helped you to achieve your dreams, it means your bests are not enough.
Allow the spiritual experts take over your fight and win it for you,  whilst you carry the trophy.

The general cause of failure is because some people only wants to be part of the achieved positive result and not in the process, and it is in the process that the committed deserved ones are chosen. If you are afraid of taking a risk, you are equally afraid of success.


Tuesday, December 3, 2019


            The Grimoire Creation

Wind Of Spiritual Change,
Bringing Your Future To The Present, For A calculated Super Season Of Success, And Life Spiritual Connection That Wins All.

Hard Work Does Not kill, Good Work Pays Well, Good Idea Produces Wealth And Power. Whilst Spirituality Provides Security, Prevents Success From Dwarfing And Ruling Supreme.Where All The Above Fails, And Best Ideas and Efforts Also Fail,Spiritualism becomes The Last Option.

We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

Success is like an ocean, unlimited in supply.
Why approach it with a teaspoon? whilst poverty is a choice, and is like a virus. if nothing is done to eradicate it, one dies with it, and it spreads from one generation to another.

We Match, Blend And Bond Spiritualism With Physical Reality To Achieve All Goals In Life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Where Knowledge Fails

              The Grimoire Creation

        (Spiritualism Takes Over)

Spiritualism Takes Over Where, Good Ideas, Science, Knowledge, Logic And Physical Strength Has Failed.

Wind Of Spiritual Change,
Bringing Your Future To The Present, For A calculated Super Season Of Success, Wealth Creation, And Life Spiritual Connection That Wins.





A wizard or guru in a special field can be an ignorance without value in another field.
Share your problems with the Spiritual solutions providers experts, and take the glory of the solution's victory. We fight the fight for you, while the crown and trophy is yours.
Success is success, whilst failure is failure.

Every life deficiency, be it wasted years, confused perpetual illnesses (occurring repeatedly) poverty, finances, faulty foundations, ceased glory, non positive connections, perpetual failures, shortchanged lives, happy home, peace of mind etc. spiritually and mysteriously remedied in human life through the spiritual scientific discovery by our spiritual thesis can never be reversed, crumbled or dwarfed for life.

A spiritual life of no impact to the people and society is a life of no value' L. W. De Laurence.

We equally teach our students and clients the importance of protecting success when it comes, because it is more difficult to protect success and remain successful for life without crumbling.

"We Help People In Recreating Their Successful Ideas Through Digitalised Spiritual Visions. Make Them Mightier, Protect Them from Dwarfing, And Helps them to Attain Wealthy Missions Beyond Borders.
We Match, Blend And Bond Visions With Action Plans In Order To Achieve All Life Missions"

The Different Between Success And Failure Is Action Plan, while the Different Between The Rich And The Poor Is That The Rich Take Investment Risk, While The Poor  Spend Their Money.
Digital Success Hereby Perfected Spiritually.


We Are The Finishers and Spiritual Providers of Every Spiritual, Mystical And Occult Undertakings in Life. We Can Restore Back Your Spiritually Unseen Wasted Years, Ceased Glory, Unactualized Visions, Dreams and Spiritually Shortchanged Lives.We Turn Mistakes And Failures Into Testimonies And Celebrations. We Make People Mighty Giants Spiritually and Protect Them from Dwarfing. We Takes Over Where Others Have Woefully Failed.
We Qualify The Unqualified And Give Their Lives Great Values.
We Match Spiritualism With, Science And Physical Reality To Achieve All Goals In Life. Successful Life Does Not Come As Coincidence But From Spiritual Miraculous Intervention.

Stop Waiting For Physical Intervention That May Not Come. Success or Failure, the Choice is Yours. There Is No Excuse For Failure.

We Are Ruling Supreme With One World Spiritual Government. We Are Spiritually Unchallengeable, Unctionable And Resolute. We Have Spiritual Solutions For Every Problem Under The Sun. Just An Idea of Your Vision And The Best Solution Is Given.

I remain: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, Your Spiritual Counselor,
The Man Whose name Forces The Satan To Flee, An Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultic, Spiritual Grand Master, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezinearticles Expert Author.
For More Information,
Whatsap: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or visit: or or write: